Subject: High Triglycerides? This Cinnamon and Milk Thistle Combo LOWERS!


Kris was looking for a way to lower her triglycerides.

At 40 yo, it only took her 4 weeks to do so!

"I broke my back in 2012 and had back surgery, December of 2012," she
writes. "I was put on massive amounts of steroids prior to surgery, which
raised my sugar."

When sugar goes up, the body packages it into a "triglyceride."

Quick science lesson: Triglycerides are fat located in the blood and they
sap energy and longevity. Their a sign of sugar damage.

The natural enemy of triglycerides is a hormone known as glucagon.

Like Ronda Rousey smashing through all other female MMA fighters in the
UFC, glucagon smashes triglycerides…as well as all medical complications
that accompany them.

Therefore, to crush triglycerides, you need more glucagon.

Fortunately, there's an easy way to get more glucagon without
going to the pharmacy.

You can take Cinnergy (

When you do this, you effectively force your body to become it's own
pharmacy. It produces glucagon.

It's not magic. It's not a trick. It's science and it works.

"I've been on a natural journey for several years and wanted to go the
natural route to find a solution," says Kris. "I found out about The
People's Chemist through a girlfriend who did Shane's $1 cleanse. Then I
liked his Facebook page back when he still had one. My first impression was
that Shane was very straightforward, which I trust. I liked the fact he
came from a pharmaceutical drug background that he didn't trust and wanted
to offer REAL products to really help people. I was excited to find someone
who was once involved in western medicine and chose the natural route."

Kris started using Cinnergy, my natural supplement designed to stomp out
triglycerides. Packed with organic cinnamon and milk thistle, Cinnergy is
formulated in a way that forces your body to burn fat…especially
"stubborn fat" in problem areas like the belly.

Get Cinnergy Here: [ ]

"I started using Cinnergy and switched doctors," Kris says. "At my next
visit — which I made about 45 days after starting Cinnergy — my
triglycerides had gone way down. I actually found my paperwork and my exact
numbers were: triglycerides went from 188 to 147."

"I feel great now. I've also noticed that a pain I had that I believed was associated
with my liver went away after my first bottle of Cinnergy."

"My doctor was looking kind of shocked when she compared my cholesterol
numbers and wanted to know the ingredients of what I was taking."

Now Her Husband Takes Cinnergy, Too!

"I still maintain by taking Cinnergy a couple times a week," says Kris. "I
also have my husband Eddie taking it. Because of my success, he's now
taking Cinnergy and Raw T!"

Get Cinnergy Here: [ ]

"Plus, I've noticed when I take other supplements from other companies I'll
get sharp pains in my kidneys…I've had absolutely NO ILL SIDE EFFECTS
from TPC products. With a nice clear liver from Cinnergy, hopefully I'll
look forever young :) "

Way to go, Kris, for choosing high-quality supplements over crap meds.

Don't let another day go by while allowing fat to hang out in your blood.
Use Cinnergy to crush triglycerides that are holding you down.

Get Cinnergy Here: [ ]

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Cinnergy is the absolute best cinnamon and milk thistle product on
the market for measurable results. Watch it work in a matter of weeks!
Better, it has no coumadin, so you don't have to worry about a single
side-effect, just side-benefits like liver detox, lowered blood sugar and
healthy skin! See