Subject: High Cholesterol is NOT a Real Disease!


This might blow your mind…but…

There's no such thing as "high cholesterol." It's NOT a real disease!

Fact is, cholesterol is one of the most important molecules in the human
body. Artificially lowering your cholesterol creates a host of health

As I explain in my book Over-the-Counter Natural Cures: Expanded Edition
(, the drug industry has made a fortune by inventing
fake diseases (such as "high cholesterol")…and selling toxic drugs to
"cure" these fake diseases.

Millions have been conned. Today more people than ever are choking down
cholesterol-lowering meds that they don't need. They're paying the ultimate
price - in the form of their health and sometimes their lives.

If you're taking cholesterol-lowering drugs, keep reading…because this
directly affects you.

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), over 105 million
Americans have total cholesterol levels of 200 mg/dL or higher. To the
pharmaceutical industry, this equates to 105 million potential customers.
In order to turn these millions of people into patients, America has been
told this so-called "high cholesterol" level is bad for them – so the
lower the better.

The AHA and Big Pharma work together to solidify and "sell" this status

Don't fall for it.

The pretend disease of "high cholesterol" causes no fever, no coughing, no
labored breathing, no heart palpitations, no hormone imbalance, no pain, no

That's because high cholesterol is not a real disease.

Rising cholesterol is a fact of life - not a sign of illness. In fact, high
cholesterol actually INCREASES longevity.

Researchers at the University of San Diego have highlighted that
epidemiological studies show high cholesterol in those over 75 years of age
to be protective rather than harmful.

Professor Beatriz Rodriquez of the University of Hawaii has found that low
cholesterol among the elderly is not healthy. Reported by BBC News,
Professor Beatriz Rodriquez and colleagues found that men over the age of
70 who had cholesterol levels between 200 to 219 milligrams per deciliter
(mg/dL) were less likely to develop heart disease than those with low
levels. Elderly men with cholesterol levels of below 160 mg/dL had a 55%
greater risk of heart disease.

In other words…the LOWER your cholesterol is, the GREATER your chance of
having a heart attack!

If you're not pissed off by this, you're probably already brain-dead from
all the meds you take…

Researchers have also brought to our attention that healthy men - i.e.,
those without any history of cardiovascular, gastrointestinal or liver
disease - who LOWER their total cholesterol, have an INCREASED risk of
prostate cancer!

So then why are so many people artificially lowering their cholesterol
levels with drugs?!!

I say it's cause they're idiots. I guess if you want to be nice about it,
you could call them "uninformed."

Big Pharma has successfully convinced the entire United States that each
and every person should have the same cholesterol level.

They've convinced people who don't feel sick that they're suffering from a
terminal illness like "hypercholesterolemia" - a fake disease invented to
describe "high cholesterol." Subsequently, Big Pharma has gotten millions
of people hooked on drugs like Lipitor, every day, for life.

Meanwhile…centuries of scientific research findings show that high
cholesterol is protective rather than detrimental.

For this reason, lowering your cholesterol with prescription drugs or
dietary supplements like red yeast rice, is a terrible idea.

Once you stop buying into the "high cholesterol" myth, your health will
change for the better.

Get the facts. Read my book Over-the-Counter Natural Cures: Expanded
Edition ( It has an entire chapter dedicated to
busting the myth of "high cholesterol." It explains how the drug industry
has thrown science completely out the window, in favor of profits. They use
sneaky advertising…combined with twisting the facts…to lie to the

Ditch the drugs and live young.

To TRULY live young, you need to get your weight in check and adhere to the
"nutrient logic" outlined in Over-The-Counter Natural Cures EXPANDED

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Stop being swindled by Pharma and trash all your meds! Learn how to
safely do this in my book, Over-The-Counter Natural Cures EXPANDED
( If you currently take cholesterol-lowering drugs (or
ANY prescription drugs, for that matter!), this book is a MUST-READ! It
will help you safely wean off all meds, while adding years to your life.