Subject: ~High Blood Pressure Isn't Inherited...But This Is!

Jan emailed me to say:

"I've been taking almost all of Shane's products for over 3 years and I feel
fantastic. I was told that I would have high blood pressure because my
Mom, Aunt and Uncle all have it. Well I have managed not to have given
in to the myth and I keep it under control with Cardio FX, not BP meds!
I LOVE, LOVE all of his products. I thank my sister everyday for telling
me about The Peoples Chemist and Shane for caring enough to make
them. Dare to live young!! Keep up the excellent work!! HUGE fan!"

That's taking charge!

High blood pressure doesn't run in the family!

And besides, who would believe that?


Millions of people believe the sales ploy without ever questioning
a damn thing! Instead, they dutifully go to pharmacy fo their little
white bags with orange pill bottles...and choke them down, daily.

Meanwhile, the pills cause fatigue, depression, weight gain and so much
more. Even cancer!


How can high blood pressure run in the family of no mechanism of action
has ever been shown?

You should know something.

Disease doesn't run in your family. But bad habits do!

Poor exercise, poor diet, poor water intake, poor attitude...

That sh#t runs in the family. Not high blood pressure.

If you're suffering from high blood pressure and taking meds,
time to take this:

Stock up on THREE by end of Saturday night and you get 15% off
automatically and FREE shipping:

Dare to Live Young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Cardio FX is the richest and purest source of hawthorn, magnesium
and garlic! Stop blood clots, heart failure, A-fib and high blood pressure all
in one. Learn more at