Subject: ~Hidden Truth About Polio Vaccine and Real Immunity!

Polio is the most feared childhood illness. It has caused paralysis and
death for much of human history. Its mere mention inspires images of
crippled children and the Iron Lung - among the elderly today.

In 1910, the world experienced a dramatic increase in polio. Epidemics
became regular events. They were the driving force behind a great race
toward the development of a polio vaccine.

Starting in the early 1940’s, sensationalist publicity led by The March
Of Dimes (a "non-profit" set up courtesy of the US Government), began
grooming the public for a successful vaccine - via gruesome images of
crippled children.

Prior to being developed or even studied, the front group siphoned
nine million dollars (worth a hundred million today) of tax payer and
donated money to pay Big Pharma for the upcoming, “successful

It was the perfect crime - scare the masses, use tax dollars to fund
major corporations selling unproven vaccines.

(Same thing is going on today all over the world, as shown in my latest
book, 3 Worst Meds at

In 1953, the first polio vaccine was developed and served up to the
eagerly- anticipating public. But the vaccine came too late. Thanks to
better hygiene, sanitation and nutrition, the rates of polio infection
quickly plummeted prior to the medical intervention.

Even in 2005, this pattern of better hygiene and lower infection rates was
observed by epidemiologists studying polio in Mongolia. Researchers
writing their results in Epidemiology and Infection, showed, “Hand washing
after defecating was protective against polio infection.”

Regardless, mass vaccination continued in the 1950's thanks to government
funding and the March of Dimes. As polio became less common, many
people falsely gave credence to the vaccines - not hygiene - for the welcome,
historical decline of the paralyzing virus.

But mountains of evidence shows that the vaccine is risky as hell,
especially when you consider that the risk of paralysis from polio infection
is less than 1% of those infected! The Medical Journal of Australia
discovered “the relation of prophylactic inoculations [polio vaccines] to the
onset of poliomyelitis [polio]” as far back as 1951! In a 2004, The World
Health Organization (WHO) announced that despite a three billion dollar effort, “ten
previously polio-free countries across Africa have now been reinfected.”

Later in 2007, entitled “Nigeria Fights Rare Vaccine-Derived Polio
Outbreak,” Reuters showed how the vaccine itself ignited outbreaks of
polio in Nigeria, Chad and Angola. According to The Indian Journal of
Medical Ethics, the polio vaccine program launched by Bill Gates paralyzed
47,500 children in 2011 alone. Indian doctors pleaded, “clinically
indistinguishable from polio paralysis, non-polio acute flaccid paralysis
was directly proportional to doses of oral polio received.”

Ignoring the injury, the vaccine makers siphoned off eight billion dollars
thanks to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation - identical to The March of
Dimes heist in the 1950’s...

The only true way to avoid illness is through better hygiene and "adaptogens."
Proven to ramp up the immune systems ability to fight off a wide array
of infection, adaptogens are safe and natural. As a chemist for over two
decades, its the only thing I use - not vaccines, not antibiotics....and surely not
the lab-derived chemicals most people know as vitamin C and D.

Learn how to never get sick at

Ditch the meds,

The People's Chemist

P.S. From viral to bacterial infection, you'll want Immune FX to protect the
whole family! Learn more at