Subject: ~Hi Doctor Lied To Him About Prostate Cancer Options


Every day, millions of men are LIED TO about their prostate health

Who’s doing the lying?

Doctors…surgeons…prescription drug ads… and anyone else who stands to
gain financially from people being drugged, sliced, and diced.

Unfortunately, 62-yr-old David from Pennsylvania was lied to.

Thanks to doctors telling him surgery was his best shot at surviving
prostate cancer, David no longer has a prostate…and wrestles with the
side effects daily.

“To Shane and company,” he writes. “I wish I’d had your prostate
information ten years ago — when I was diagnosed with a ‘slow
progressing’ prostate cancer. My symptoms came from an enlarged prostate.
But the biopsy confirmed cancer.”

“I elected to have my prostate removed. It seemed to be the best
alternative to deal with the cancer. I wish I could go back in time and
take your information and supplement with me. Today I have had only one
side effect — which, of course, is MAJOR — I am somewhat impotent, and
have been since the surgery. Oh yes, there was a promise that perhaps I’d
be spared that problem. Unfortunately, I wasn’t. I write only to say that
I wish I’d had your prostate supplement ten years ago. Perhaps I would
still have a prostate today!”

Bummer, David!

See how the industry make a fortune off lying?…while conning people into
taking drastic measures against their own bodies?

Prostate surgery is the quickest route to losing your sexual capabilities
as a man.

Prostate drugs are no better…as they cause breast enlargement, genital
shrinking, decreased sexual ability, and more. (See

If you want to retain your manhood, avoid prostate drugs and surgery like
the plague.

What most men don’t realize is that they can use simple nutrient logic to
protect their prostate, and restore their health — WITHOUT drugs or

Sadly, my natural prostate formula, Palmetto+, didn’t exist back then.

Luckily for men today, Palmetto+ is now available at

As a preventive health measure, it protects the body against excess sugar,
artificial flavors and pharmafoods that lower testosterone and raise
estrogen-producing aromatase…all of which put you at risk for prostate

Mother Nature equipped the human body to be able to handle any health
problem (including prostate problems)…but you’ve got to assist it, by
giving your body the nutrients it needs to thrive, all found here

Instead of addressing the root cause of the problem, doctors are quick to
prescribe meds or suggest surgery…but both of those options are totally
unnecessary when you have Palmetto + by your side!

At the very least, a doctor should talk a patient OUT of surgery, until
they’ve tried proven, natural alternatives!

Fat chance of that ever happening though.

Fortunately, there’s a happy ending to David’s story…he avoided
bronchitis (and prescription antibiotics) by using Immune FX

“I am 62 years old. I take the Daily Dose, Cardio FX, and Cinnergy. I
have also taken Immune FX. Every winter I usually have two bouts of
bronchitis, and one year it even brought on pneumonia. But this past year,
I can say that I did not have the bronchitis. Every time I ‘felt’
something like a sore throat or such coming on, I took Immune FX. I also
have been taking Acerola, recommended in your book. Is this just anecdotal
concurrences? Maybe. But again, maybe not.”


When you feel a ‘bug’ coming on, Immune FX is a MUST for squashing it
before it gets worse.

Immune FX is your #1 secret weapon to staying 100% healthy even when
everyone around you is sick. It’s a natural supplement, NOT a
drug…it’s safe, effective, and works fast to assist your immune system
in fighting off “biological nasties.”

As usual, this winter the medical industry will try to load up EVERYBODY on
antibiotics, cough medications, NSAIDs, throat lozenges, and other crap
that is harmful to the human body!

It’s just part on the ongoing “lie” that the body needs drugs to be

Choose better!

Order to avoid getting sick…while skipping the toxic

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Make sure you have Immune FX stocked up in your medicine cabinet for
yourself, the kids, and grandkids! When all the other snot-nosed kids at
school are suffering from colds, you can help build your kids’ natural
immunity using nutrient logic. For added protection, or to fight infection,
use I never travel anywhere without it.

P.P.S. For men ages 50 and older, use Palmetto+ for total prostate
health. (Men over 30 should take it for prevention.) Ditch the surgery and
the meds. Get the facts at