Subject: ~Here's my "dad bod?" (PIC)

The People's Chemist
Here's How to Not Have a "Dad Bod" 
(Or At Least Lose 10 Before Most People Even Start Their New Year's Resolution)
Shane Before and After Pictures the above pics are not very flattering on any front. All of them were taken over the past couple decades...and despite needing it, haven’t had any editing or photoshopping.

Full disclosure: I won't be winning a bodybuilding contest any time soon. Nor will I be winning any Crossfit WODs...

But at least I won't have a "dad bod."

My motivation for exercise is to feel good and maximize my hormone balance, output, and sensitivity (BOS). Termed, "hormone intelligence," it's the best thing anyone can do to live young.

For guys who don't want a dad bod, or who already have it and want to shed it, pay attention.

…You need more testosterone BOS!

You DON’T need meds, gels, or fancy workouts. You need to realize that your f@#cking hormones are screaming at you for a wakeup call!

Let's be honest.

Right now, your hormones are blind, deaf, and numb to anything that could possibly help them make more testosterone…or even be sensitive to it.

See, there’s 3 things that need to happen for testosterone to help you...that your doctor won't tell you.

First, your body needs to be MAKING testosterone.

Second, your body needs to be SENSITIVE to testosterone!

Third, your body needs to be balanced with a truckload of other hormones. Not the fake kind, but the kind your body produces on its own.

It’s perfectly possible that you can be making testosterone, but your body is insensitive to it. Or you can be injecting the fake sh#t and not be sensitive to it as well....

But once you’ve increased your body’s own testosterone output and sensitivity…your body begins to respond with more muscle, fat loss, and more testosterone!

The results are astounding...

Your pores start to ooze manhood. Women start swooning at you at the supermarket as you’re buying your beef, cigars, and tequila…

No more will you be sensitive to chick flicks…

Women, beware! 

The man who’s hormonally intelligent might just drag you to the nearest cave or dark corner to spawn more manly men.

You can do all of that with Raw-T! (

So virile is Raw-T, some say it can make you impregnate a women just by looking at her. (Eye patches are not included.)

None of this happens for those suffering from the dreaded Dad Bod.

It’s a horrible condition accompanied by bulging bellies, wretched “man boobs,” and men watching chick flicks with their wives…usually with a sugary drink cuddled up next to them. (These “men” are probably getting periods, too.)

Having “Dad bod” isn’t something to joke about…unless you’re OK with not being the only chick in the relationship.

Some blame age. It's not age causing you to sprout man boobs.

…It’s all the sugar, alcohol, and pharmafoods you've been shoving down your pie hole!

Together these 3 “manhood-killing” substances FORCE a man’s body to convert testosterone into the female hormone, estrogen.

Please read that again, write it down, memorize it.

Over time, if your hormones are fu#@ked, you develop the Dad bod.

Not only is it embarrassing…but it also puts your heart at risk.

A recent news article warns that “weak bones, loss of sex drive, muscle weakness,” having a dad bod, and being forgetful are all are signs of low T.

“A study out of the UK found that men with Low testosterone had a greater risk of dying from heart disease than those with normal levels.”

Ugh…damn good reason to get your manhood back, isn’t it?!

Women…if your man has low T, then you’re probably reading romance novels, and fantasizing about the version of him he once was! (Order to help your man!!!)

Men…if have low T, then it’s time to stop letting your hormones run amok.

To get your man card back…first, ditch the 3 “manhood killers”:

1. Sugar (use honey or stevia instead!)
2. Alcohol 
3. Pharmafoods

Take 8 minutes to learn how to use Raw-T with 6 simple habits that are guaranteed to shed the dad bod: 

Ditch the meds,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Injecting fake testosterone won’t solve the problem of low testosterone! You MUST ditch the 3 “manhood killers” — sugar, alcohol, and pharmafoods!

And while you’re at it, supplement with to help your body produce its own natural testosterone.

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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