Subject: Her shocking confession! "I fired my doctor!"

From the Desk of The People's Chemist

She Fired Her Doctor to Cure High Blood Pressure, Diabetes and More!

People are dropping like flies!

For the first time in human history, our lifespan is diminishing! Obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer are the culprits.

Essentially, we are killing ourselves with poor lifestyle and worthless prescription drugs. The only way to curb the threat is to take charge of your health with natural medicine, even if it means firing your doctor.

That’s what Elisabeth, from Tasmania, did. She had type II diabetes, high blood pressure that was threatening her kidneys and weighed 165 lb with almost 40% body fat!

She was battling these problems for years and was out of ideas. Her doctor wanted to put her on meds. Elisabeth wanted find out why her body was falling part, not just treat her symptoms.

Her doctor insisted on a steady regimen of insulin, cholesterol and heart medications.

Fortunately, her daughter introduced her to The People’s At 53 years young, Elisabeth fired her doctor and started the AM PM Fat Loss Discovery ( - the way only an Aussie would - with sheer guts and determination!

What happened over the weeks can only be told by Elisabeth herself:

“Last time I contacted you, I was depressed with hearing bad new from my doctor. He wanted me on insulin, cholesterol and blood pressure tablets. He told me I couldn't loose weight and it wouldn't help anyway.”

“I had to fire that doctor and have since found a new one who is very interested in natural medicine. After seeing him and getting new blood tests done I was so delighted that I had to tell you.”

“My sugar is down to normal and I have no more “diabetes.” My blood pressure is also normal!”

“I started at 165 pounds and I’ve lost almost 30 pounds! I’m down to 136 lb!”

“I showed the new doctor all the supplements I’ve been taking from The People’s Chemist and he was PLEASED with me taking them”

“He was surprised I could do it by myself but thanks to The People’s Chemist and advice I received, I am well on my way to being healed.”

“I have more energy than I’ve had in years. He said with what I’ve done already I have added 10 years to my life.” 

“Please thank Shane for me. Keep up the good work and ignore the critics.”

“You have saved my life!!!”

“The best thing was finding your book! I enjoy the emails, it’s nice to know someone is out there working for our health and that it does work.”

Elisabeth proves that you are never too old to live young.

She almost learned the hard way that, “you can’t be overweight and healthy at the same time!” To live you best life, learn how to apply 6 simple habits for natural weight loss at:

You can start this package for less than $4 per day! Hurry, we are already sold out! But order now and we will be shipping within two weeks.

This is your life! Take charge with

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Dare to Live Young,

The People’s Chemist

About this Newsletter

Natural Cures Watchdog is published by Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison. He is an award-winning chemist with a masters degree in organic chemistry and author of Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, winner of the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award. This is a FREE service so that NOBODY IS LEFT BEHIND. Please join him in his efforts to educate the laymen by FORWARDING this email to your friends and loved ones. You can sign up at