Subject: ~Help Someone Escape Meds!


If stacked in cash, annual pharmaceutical profits would occupy two thousand
stacks of bills. Each one would be as high as the Empire State Building!
You would have more stacks of money than there are tall buildings in Los
Angeles, and not enough people to guard them.

Today, global revenues from prescription drugs are nearing the trillion
dollar mark, year after year. The United States takes the largest bite out
of the pharmaceutical pie, consuming $300.3 billion in prescriptions.

Big Pharma, with the collusion of the FDA, is now half way to its goal of
marketing the entire country into drug dependence. Today, America is a
cult under the influence of Big Pharma, the U.S Government, and Wall

For almost a hundred years, the masses have been exposed to
pharmaceutically funded mass education and TV without being taught a single
thread of truth about preventive health and the risks of meds. One nation
under drugs, 150 million (just over half) Americans are now taking one or
more prescription drugs per month, with 37 percent of those over 60 years
old taking five or more!

If John Galt—the noble, fictional scientist in Ayn Rand’s novel, Atlas
Shrugged — symbolizes the power and glory of the human mind, FDA approval
and Big Pharma are his biggest threats. Together, they’ve created a
corporate drug leviathan that’s robbing every man, woman and child in its
path of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This profit-pulling
monster has no checks or balances, which makes it almost impossible to
fight and scary as hell to witness through the eyes of a chemist.

Driven by big salaries, heavy taxes and medical regulation, most medical
doctors have lost their moral compass and can no longer protect patients.
In their minds, people don’t matter, drugs do. As long as someone gets
their prescription meds, nobody is suffering.

Side effects are dismissed, ignored and explained as patients being too old
or too sick. This dehumanization is the result of arrogance and simplistic
thinking that’s become the norm.

Doctors have become strangers to complex thought, which is mandatory to
understand the biological and chemical implications of modern medicine.
At the same time, they’ve become oblivious to the second-order consequences
of their aggressive prescribing habits such as side-effects, adverse reactions, drug
interactions and overdoses.

Today, physicians are pharmaceutical foot soldiers, the Praetorian guards
of Big Pharma, believing any propaganda that follows from ghostwriting, and
checkbook science. In the words of Voltaire, “Those who can make you
believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities,” we see how this
age-old wisdom has destroyed the doctor’s oath of “first do no harm.”

I had to face the cold, hard facts: Western Medicine has become a billion
dollar empire not out of keen science, but rather corruption and deceit.
The end result has been one nation under drugs, with slavery and sickness
for all. This subjugation has set a standard of health in America that is
sick care disguised as health care.

Every year, prescription drugs (used as prescribed) kill an estimated
105,000 people —more people than the Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq wars
combined. And the trend of increasing prescription drug deaths has been
going on for about 35 years according to researchers writing in The Journal
of the American Medical Association.

Still, with the reckless voracity of a school of hungry pirañas in bloodied
water, Big Pharma parades the world behind a mask of philanthropy and
health while disregarding the lives of billions worldwide. Those who
profit from this prescription drug sabotage should hold some sort of record
for having the most reckless disregard for human life. If the FDA and Big Pharma
onslaught is allowed to continue it will silently kill more people than all
of the wars and genocides combined.

Ironically, the entire prescription drug debacle continues through
voluntary compliance, a euphemism for willful ignorance. Therefore, our
biggest threat to health and wealth is the artificial demand created for
meds by drug ads, insurance companies and government funded programs. All
of these are designed to dish out drugs at breakneck speeds so tax dollars
can cover the costs and be siphoned to Big Pharma. Without this fabricated
demand, the entire system crumbles.

The only way to escape is to learn how to ditch the meds for safer alternatives
and lifestyle habits. And that starts with Over-The-Counter Natural Cures
Expanded. Sold everywhere, it's the bible for living young, free of meds.

Want to help someone this holiday season? The skip the electronics,
the Black Friday sales and buy them Over-The-Counter Natural Cures
Expanded at

Ditch the meds,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Anyone taking aspirin, Tylenol, birth control, antidepressants,
cholesterol-lowering drugs and blood pressure meds is at risk of being
a statistic. Learn more at