Subject: Help Others on Oct. 6, Get $100 in Bonus'

October 5, 2008

As Seen in Woman's World, Shape, and Oxygen Magazine

Friend, Tomorrow is my official book launch.  And to encourage all my readers to help others learn how to "live healthier and pay less," I'm offering $100 in bonus'.  Can you help by forwarding this offer to your list?  And to buy at tomorrow visit for all the details.  I'll send another reminder.  Here are the details of the offer. 

Award-Winning Scientist Reveals Amazing Natural Cures (for under $10) Drug Companies Hope You Never Learn!

New Book Launches with "Patient Power" Bonus Package for Book Buyers, Friends and Family - Hell, Critics Too!

Action Date: Offer Only Good For October 6th Book Purchases - ONE DAY!

Being healthy does not require huge expense or risky prescription drugs! Nor does it require popping handfuls of supplements!

Real Cures Without a Prescription!

Shane Ellison - aka "The People's Chemist" - knows the truth. A two-time recipient of the prestigious Howard Hughes Medical Institute Research Grant and former Big Pharma chemist quit his job when he discovered that the drugs he was creating for major big pharmaceutical companies were toxic counterfeits of Mother Nature. He knew the REAL cures can be found on supermarket shelves for a fraction of the cost and without a prescription.

Harness Perfect Health in 30 Days

In his new book, Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, Ellison will introduce you to his "nutrient logic" and show conclusively how it can stave off major disease, kill cancer before it kills you, retard wrinkles, conquer depression, increase vitality, and even jump-start your "bedroom energy" - all in as few as 30 days!
He'll also reveal how to:

  • Easily replace your prescription drugs with safer, easy to find supplements
  • Understand the true cause and cure of heart disease, cancer, and depression
  • Harness "nutrient logic" for optimized longevity
  • Light your energy spark at any age
  • Bolster your "immunity firewall" to beat illness without a vaccine or antibiotic
  • Optimize your "hormonal intelligence" to beat diabetes and melt fat
  • Cheat the exercise gods so you don't have to waste time working out
  • Use Mother Nature's inexpensive detox cure to avoid top toxic threats
  • Avoid cancer and dangerous chemo with $10 "nutritional chemotherapy"

    What others are saying about Over-The-Counter Natural Cures:
      "This book is the health insurance America needs."

      - Dr. Steven F. Hotze, M.D. Author, Hormones, Health and Happiness, Founder Hotze Health and Wellness Clinic

      "Shane Ellison walks his talk. He knows you don’t have to choose between your wealth and your health... you can have both!"

      - Michael Masterson, New York Times Best-Selling Author Ready, Fire, Aim: Zero to $100 Million in No Time Flat

      "OVER-THE-COUNTER NATURAL CURES reveals a brilliant little secret; Getting healthy and staying healthy does not have to break the bank."
      - Robert Scott Bell, D.A. Hom. The Robert Scott Bell Show Talk Radio Network

      "Shane Ellison's OVER-THE-COUNTER NATURAL CURES cuts through the hype and misinformation in the vitamin market. This book belongs on your nightstand. Read it."

      - Dr. Al Sears, M.D. Author, The Doctor's Heart Cure and PACE: Rediscover Your Native Fitness

      "OTC Natural Cures does an excellent job of explaining the benefits of what I would call 10 of the most important nutrients and herbal therapies available to health consumers today. Shane Ellison is at the forefront of this movement."

      -Lyn Patrick, N.D., Contributing Editor for Alternative Medicine Review

    Your road to perfect health has never been so clearly mapped!

    Action Date: Offer Only Good For October 6th Book Purchases - ONE DAY!

    Shane Ellison holds nothing back. Health thieves are identified. Corporate drug pushing felons are named. And corrupt government agencies elucidated. Over-The-Counter Natural Cures contains no bio-babble, no sleepy writing, no science jargon and no apologies!

    Modern medicine as you know it is dead, and so are you if you don’t get up to speed with Over-The-Counter Natural Cures.

    Sound harsh? Prescription drugs kill twice as many people as the Vietnam War - every year!

    "Over-The-Counter Natural Cures is ending the trend with education and "PATIENT POWER!"

    Step 1: Buy 4 copies of Over-The-Counter Natural Cures at on October 6th

    Step 2: Email your receipt to

    Step 3: Get Shane's total Patient Power bonus pack  that teaches you to:

    $100 Value YOURS FREE for Helping Others Live Young with 10 Lifesaving Supplements for Under $10!

    Action Date: Offer Only Good For October 6th Book Purchases - ONE DAY!