Subject: ~Heart Surgeon Confesses in "Straight Talk!"

By now, tens of thousands of people have received my latest
edition of Straight Talk, in the mail!

It hit mailboxes last week!

As a former pharmaceutical chemist, I started Straight Talk to deflect the
spurious actions of online vendors, as well as the censorship
that has become the norm. It's main goal is to bridge the gap between
scientific trickery and fact. Without it, many will become harmed by synthetic
vitamins and medicated to death...

Its a vital read if you want to live young!

This edition featured a Yale trained heart surgeon who wrote, "Cholesterol
lowering meds offer no health benefits and tons of risk!" As an honorary
member of The Beating Heart Hall of Fame, he confessed, "I was part
of the biggest drug deal in history." Dr. Lundell, who can learn more about
at, is among the few medical doctors today who will
tell you "it's time to ditch the meds!"

(He also just finished an Ironman at 73 years old!)

If you want to be on the list to get the next issue of Straight Talk for
absolutely NO CHARGE, simple order a 3 pack of Daily Dose at (This is a curcumin-rich multi-vitamin that
also delivers a whopping dose of boswellic acid! Both work to
ward off cancer and enhance memory and brain function! Get it this
week to be on the list for Straight Talk!)

Be warned! Miss straight talk and you risk becoming victims of the
3 anti-heroes of longevity!

First, you have the “white coats.” They wear their medical doctor
credentials as a badge of honor to pump their ego, rather than as a badge
of service. Their oath of “First do no harm,” has become, “We can’t
do any harm.” They see themselves as immune from taking any

Dr. José Baselga, chief medical officer at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer
Center, is a shining example. Over a period of four years, he received $3.5
million from nine pharmaceutical companies and used their royalties to
prescribe unproven, deadly chemotherapy to vulnerable cancer victims. Like
other medication users and vaccine victims, his patients died from the
chemo treatment, not the disease it was trying to cure. This standard of
“care” is ruining families and lives in record numbers, while enriching
the pockets of Big Pharma, Wall Street, and the U.S. Government.

Then you have the “vitamin warriors.” They love being spoon-fed facts
from the Internet. Starving for knowledge, they believe everything from
super greens to sea salt is a cure-all - probably Barbie bandaids, too.
They usually wear man-buns, get their kombucha on tap and are offended
when you say “Namaste bitches.”

Never ones for independent thought or even to read a book, they
love name-dropping, podcasts, and social media. When they get a cough, they
choke down ascorbic acid and post how wonderful “vitamin C” is. When
the days get shorter, they regurgitate headlines espousing the benefits of
vitamin D pills. They’re scientifically anorexic. Their skin is pale and
their frail physique screams synthetic vitamin overdose.

Finally, you have the “naturopath” crowd. With seemingly great
credentials, they love slapping the word “doctor” onto their name. They
absorb Wikipedia facts like a sponge soaks up dog piss. They spit out
“facts” to their patients like bad actors rehearsing canned lines.
They’re the ones who drink Folgers coffee, remember the Vietnam war, and
who have been taking Synthroid for 20 years, despite never receiving one
iota of positive result from it. (Their liver and kidneys are failing and
about to perish.)

As The People’s Chemist (TPC), my corner of the landscape is a decidedly
rogue, sometimes shadowy, and far less glamorous place. I don’t do
interviews or podcasts. I have zero followers. And TPC is void of any
social media presence.

My main representations are a bunch of expensive chemistry books sprinkled
with adjectives like “novel,” “combinatorial,” “heterogenous”
and “nuclear.” I have my own slang, which often fails miserably to
bridge the gap between scientific common sense and the pure idiocy that is
the masses.

Still, I’m bringing you Straight Talk to help you ditch the meds so you
can live a healthier, more active life. A disenfranchised member of the
Internet culture with no misgivings or preconceptions, I offer you this
free publication — the byproduct of my three decades as a chemist.

It’s a boutique drug-of-sorts that you read and study, not ingest. Rather
than getting you “high,” it gets you educated. Straight Talk is
designed to help you see past the circus that is online health and
wellness. It’s more pure than the shit pushed by the soulless cartel
that’s been botched by self-aggrandizing media puff and laced with trendy
synthetic vitamin D and C suggestions.

Straight Talk is yoked with truth. Its raw material comes straight from my
experience in the lab, non-adulterated. Side effects include sudden reality
checks. As you wean off the senseless bullshit you’ve been taught from
your doctors and “online research,” your health will be restored.
You’ll think more clearly and you’ll look a lot better in the eyes of
the people you hate, but try to impress online.

If you want to be on the list to get the next issue of Straight Talk for
absolutely NO CHARGE, simple order a 3 pack of Daily Dose at (This is a curcumin-rich multi-vitamin that
also delivers a whopping dose of boswellic acid! Both work to
ward off cancer and enhance memory and brain function! Get it this
week to be on the list for Straight Talk!)

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

P.S.  If you’ve been worried or nervous... 
absolutely dreading your next
doctor’s appointment, relax. 
You can ACE your next blood sugar check-up
With the help of chemist designed, Cinnergy! It's the blood sugar secret
 actually want to BRAG to your doctor about...and he will love it, since
the numbers DON'T LIE! It goes great with Daily Dose:
Plus there are no medication interactions! See results in a matter of WEEKS