Subject: Heart Cure Goes to Swiss Alps


I dropped everything I was doing to get this out as fast as possible.

This reflects how people "live young" when they get off meds.

Michael H. Took My First and Only Multi-Nutrient for The Entire
Cardiovascular System to The Swiss Alps!

Ex-Blood Pressure medication user sends his no-hold barred

“I live at sea level in California, but I kicked ass on a hike
today high up in the Swiss Alps. How? I take CardioFX daily
because it allows me to exceed my limits. Plain and simple, and
it's all natural. It also helps me maintain healthy blood
pressure levels. Years on bp meds didn't accomplish that. The
People’s Chemist is a frickin' genius!

Of course I love this one because he is giving me some raving
compliments. But aside from that, this unsolicited testimony
reveals what thousands are able to do by harnessing the power of
CardioFX, which is to get off meds and get their life back!

People from all over the world are able to use CardioFX to:

Get off cholesterol lowering drugs
Get off blood pressure meds
And even get off blood thinner

This is no joke.

Simply by supplementing the nutrients found in CardioFX into your
diet, you can maintain the health of your arteries and keep them
free of inflammation and blockage. But there are more benefits.
Select ingredients found in CardioFX (like hawthorn) also work
directly with your blood clotting mechanism to stop excess
thickening of your blood. That means they crush unruly blood
clots that lead to heart attack and stroke on contact without
causing excessive bleeding common to aspirin and other anti-clot

“Hawthorn preparations are known in modern pharmacy as
possessing calming and cardiovascular properties. In addition,
these preparation produce cardiotonic, coronary dilative,
hypotensive, and antiarrhythmic action. Hawthorn is a valuable
medicinal plant containing a large number of biologically active

- Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal

While the vast cardiovascular benefits of hawthorn and its active
ingredients have been forgotten by modern day medicine, it
remains well known in the scientific journals and among medicinal
chemists worldwide. Consider another supporting quote straight
from the pages of science.

“Hawthorn is another herb used for improving blood flow. The
leaves, fruit, and flowers of hawthorn are widely used in Europe
for improving the pumping capacity of the heart and for treating
angina….Hawthorn causes dilation of the smooth muscles of the
coronary vessels, thereby increasing blood flow and reducing the
tendency for angina. Patients with chronic heart disease who were
given 600 mg/d of a hawthorn extract had lower blood pressure and
heart rates and less shortness of breath when exercising compared
with subjects not receiving hawthorn.”

- American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Let CardioFX give you the insurance you need to protect your heart
and everything else!

Save $ today and read all about this product here:

To Living Young!

The People's Chemist