Subject: ~Heart Cure Comes with $97 FREE Bonus! (Ends in 24 hours)

Special Promo Offer: Get The 4-In-1 Cure That Protects Your Heart and Revitalizes Your Cardiovascular System and Receive $97 Bonus!
(Offer Ends 24 Hours)
Heart Disease can begin as early as 3 years old. For many, that means a lifetime of drugs and weakened heart health. Unfortunately, most of those drugs come with a deluge of side effects. And that means missing out on doing what you love.

I see this all the time...I see parents who can't chase their kids around the park without getting winded. I see pilots losing their license to weight gain and blood pressure. I see dad's who can't play tackle football. And it only gets worse once they start following doctors orders.

Consider aspirin. After years of telling people to take a “baby aspirin,” the FDA finally spoke out on its dangers.

To warn that benefits don’t exceed the risk, the government agency wrote:

“After carefully examining scientific data from major studies, FDA has concluded that the data do not support the use of aspirin as a preventive medication by people who have not had a heart attack, stroke or cardiovascular problems. In such people, the benefit has not been established but risks—such as dangerous bleeding into the brain or stomach—are still present."

The risk grows exponentially as people start taking other drugs for:
  • Blood thinning
  • Blood pressure 
  • Cholesterol lowering
All have been confirmed to lead to ugly side-effects like Type II diabetes, cancer and Parkinson’s disease.

Case closed, the pharmaceutical industry has nothing of value for the cardiovascular system, outside of emergency. That's because no man-mad drug can do it all. Drugs are single entity compounds that aim at one single thing. In nature, there are billions of compounds that work in unison to preserve and protect cardiovascular health.

In the past several years, medicinal chemists from around the world have utilized state-of-the-art methods to discover 4 powerful ingredients that each have the ability to revitalize your cardiovascular system, boost athletic performance and protect your heart from disease, all without a single, life-altering side effect.

These 4 ingredients are:
  • Grape seed extract
  • Hawthorn 
  • Garlic
  • Magnesium citrate 
Using my unique isolation methods, I’ve packed all of them into one, all-natural medicine known as Cardio FX.

The science that support the daily use of Cardio FX is irrefutable. In fact, it's better than the made-up science that the media uses to hype prescription drugs.

Here are a few telling quotes about each ingredient:

"Hawthorn can help improve the amount of blood pumped out of the heart during contractions, widen the blood vessels, and increase the transmission of nerve signals. Hawthorn also seems to have blood pressure-lowering activity, according to early research. It seems to cause relaxing of the blood vessels farther from the heart. It seems that this effect is due to a component in hawthorn called proanthocyanidin."

- Scientists writing for WebMD

"One study found that hawthorn extract (900 mg/day) taken for 2 months was as effective as low doses of captopril (a prescription heart medication) in improving symptoms of heart failure."

- University of Maryland Medical Center

"In this prospective cohort study of well-characterized young and middle-aged women with 18 years of follow-up and repeated measures of dietary intake, we observed that a higher intake of anthocyanins [from grape seed extract] was associated with a 32% reduction in risk of MI [heart attack] and that this inverse association was independent of established dietary and non-dietary CVD risk factors."

- Scientists from the Harvard School of Public Health in the United States and the University of East Anglia writing for The Journal of the American Heart Association

"These results suggest that the anti-hypertensive effect of proanthocyanidins [hawthorn] is due to vasorelaxation via an endothelium-dependent nitric oxide/cGMP pathway, and that proanthocyanidins [hawthorn] might be useful in dietary lowering of blood pressure"

- Scientists writing for Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry

Stronger Than Anything Bought in a Store

I have over 20 years of chemistry training and Cardio FX is by far, one of the best outcomes of this experience...To make these natural heart remedies even more effective, I used my own compounding methods to ensure that all of the active ingredients were extracted properly. Technically, the method is known as a water and oil extraction.

I utilize it to make Cardio FX three-times stronger than anything available. It’s the only sure-fire way to obtain the entire spectrum of both water and fat soluble compounds - in the proper dose to ensure that Cardio FX preserves and protects heart health

No other company in the world is doing this!

Take it from a Vietnam veteran who took charge of his health with Cardio FX.

Here’s his story, in his words:

"I hate long emails also, but there is a lot to say so please bear with me. I'm a VietNam Vet who was exposed to agent orange in 67/68. I had a son born in ‘77 that died 5 days after he was born because of it. (according
to the Dr.)”

“I had 6 heart by-passes in Jan 2000...I had 3 heart attacks in 2011 and let them do 2 stints ( ok I was still a dumbass)”

“I was suffering from congestive heart failure and was going down hill fast. I became allergic to the cholesterol meds in 2004 and started to read. One of the best articles was yours, and I have been reading you since.”

“I bought some Cardio FX but didn't take it for very long.”

“I had been doing H2O2 and chelation since 2004.”

“My Dr told me that I was in critical congestive heart failure and of course even though he is a “natural Dr.” he wanted to put me on drugs.”

“My legs and feet were swollen so bad I could hardly walk and cannot do any IV's because of the fluid retention.”

“I started taking the cardio fx ( 3 / 3 times a day ) and within one week the Dr said the heart improvement was incredible! I was no longer in danger of a heart attack and parts of my heart that were not working properly were now working well.”

“I tried to cut back to the recommended 3/2 times per day but it isn't quite enough yet.”

“Everyone who sees me can't believe how much better I look. I even started doing some work around the farm! My blood pressure is lower than it has been since before 1995 (when I started taking it) - 117 / 78 average!”

“Cardio FX has been a real life saver for me ...... Thanks for your intelligence and your guts to fight the system…"

- Dan, Michigan

One Ingredient Works Better Than Your Prescription!

The pharmaceutical companies don’t want you to know that this one product, Cardio FX, can replace billions of dollars in drug sales...In fact, they have worked to cover up that even garlic, by itself, is better than their meds!

You won’t believe this.

A new study compared garlic to the blood pressure medication known as atenolol. The results showed that garlic was more effective at lowering blood pressure than the popular drug!

Scientists from the College of Pharmacy at King Khalid University, compared both among those suffering from confirmed hypertension. After 24 weeks, the researchers found that, “In the garlic treated group, significant reduction in both systolic and diastolic pressures were observed when compared with atenolol and placebo.”

The most exciting part was that those who used garlic avoided the side-effects that came with using atenolol, such as:
  • Obesity
  • Pre-diabetes
  • Depression
  • Feeling light headed 
This study only confirms what hundreds before it have: Big Pharma is using ineffective chemicals to profit from high blood pressure.

Do I need to state the obvious? ...Of course I do.

Not only was garlic more effective and safer than atenolol, it was much cheaper!

Stop Pumping Poison Into Your Heart

Your heart isn’t supposed to be drugged to death. It's supposed to help you follow your passions in life!

And you can do it with Cardio FX!

You see, the drug atenolol blocks a family of receptors known as beta-receptors. These rest on the heart and our fat cells. Once blocked by atenolol, a chemical cascade is set into motion that leads to a metabolic nightmare - Your fat storing hormone insulin skyrockets along with blood sugar. It’s also very toxic to the liver. Worse, it weakens your heart. No DIET OR EXERCISE CAN STOP IT!

Meanwhile, the active ingredients in Cardio FX - like garlic - help open up arteries to allow for better blood flow. Garlic also keeps blood from clotting excessively, thereby halting unruly blood clots that can lead to stroke and heart disease!

For decades, pharmaceutical companies have been trying to duplicate garlic’s active ingredients. Each time, they’ve failed because the benefits stem from a wide array of natural compounds in garlic that cannot be duplicated in the lab.

In my book, Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, I showed you how to choose the best garlic product and how to combine it with hawthorn to amp up effectiveness. Together, they control blood pressure, prevent stroke and heart attack as well as strengthen the heart!

Now you can get both in ONE single product. It’s called Cardio FX. I designed it specifically to replace all blood pressure medications. And it’s doing just that!

“Blindly following doctors order’s almost cost me a fortune...mutilated my cardiovascular system...and nearly killed me,” emailed a new fan of Cardio FX.

His body weight had ballooned 30lbs and he was so out of breath that he couldn’t play with his children at the park!

Atenolol was slowly killing him.

Then he took charge with Cardio FX. “I got my life back,” he asserted.

It’s that simple. When Big Pharma hype collides with science, it’s not pretty.

The right natural medicine will always win. Science has been proving this for decades and only the smart few are catching on.

To encourage you to save yourself with Cardio FX, I’m offering a 15% discount and adding my 4-disk audio set, Secret Health Files absolutely free, a $97 value!

I’m doing this to help you learn how to protect yourself from Big Pharma! This is a $97 value that outlines cancer cures, detox blends, malaria busters and so much more! It’s everything that was censored by my publisher.

Buy 3 Cardio FX at and I’ll promptly mail you Secret Health Files free of charge!

Simply click here for the automatic bonus.

Dare to Live Young,

The People’s Chemist 

P.S. This is a package worth $262 and you can get it for $140.24 over the next 24 hours...It's a ridiculous offer because I want to prove to you how much better and active your life can be when you have a bulletproof cardiovascular system.