Subject: Health Alert - Cell Suicide

Courtesy of Get more FREE health briefs and FAT LOSS WORKOUT at Cell Suicide Protects YOU from Cancer By Shane Ellison, M.Sc. Author Health Myths Exposed Millions of your cells are dying right now -- if you have proper nutrition. This is a good thing. They are sacrificing themselves as a final attempt to protect you against cancer. Your survival depends on this. While the body produces healthy cells, individual cells must possess the ability to self-destruct when they become cancerous. This critical process, termed programmed cell death, cell suicide or apoptosis, is induced by proper nutrition. Without it, rogue cancer cells continue their path of wonton destruction until the host is dead. How do you ensure cell suicude and protection from cancer? Vitamin D from sunshine or cod liver oil ProVantage (green tea and ginger!) by HealthFX Whey Advanced - Whey isolate with vitamin C To Your Health, HealthFX Nutraceuticals Get our shocking FREE eBook at