Subject: Healing Torn Meniscus and Joints, Naturally (Big Sale!)

58 Years Old Doesn't Let Joint Pain Hold Him Back in Life -Even After a Torn Meniscus
How many surgeons does it take to screw up a bad knee?

Just one.

58-year-old Rod from Smyrna, TN, learned the hard way... Knee surgery isn't always the best option when you're looking to repair broken knees.

And trusting your surgeon can be a bad idea.

It Started with a Torn Meniscus on His Left Knee...

One knee got surgery, the other didn't...

"I had surgery on my left knee for a torn meniscus," Rod explains. "Even after the surgery it was never pain-free from the repair. Maybe 3 months after healing, my right knee started feeling the same sharp pains."

When a surgeon hears the words "torn meniscus" and "pain," it's code for "instant cash cow."

Like a bull seeing red, a surgeon's primary agenda is to get a patient-in-pain on the dicing table, ASAP.

I doubt you'll ever hear a surgeon saying, "Hold up, wait a minute – before we slice your knee up (which is INSANE as a first line of defense), let's see if there's a natural way to eliminate the pain and rebuild the cushion around your joints...Lets just give it 30 days."

Joint FX Saved His Right Knee from Surgery

"The good news is I found your Joint FX," says Rod. "I wasn't a believer yet but was desperate."

"I started taking Joint FX. After a couple weeks the pains started easing up and in two months, there was no pain in either knee. I'm a believer!"

Fact is, Joint FX can soothe joint problems ranging from the most minor aches, to severe pain arising from serious injuries like torn meniscus.

It contains 4 simple ingredients found in Mother Nature that work to activate your own healing hormones.

No knives required.

"They all told me, 'You can't heal that, you need surgery, especially at your age.' I still get a chuckle from that," says Rod.

"I guess age doesn't  always matter. This December I turn 59. I currently play soccer in two different leagues, one is a fun adult league and the other is an open competitive 18+ league. All that said, that doesn't mean I'm a real good soccer player! It just means I'm still having fun! I have a 55-year-old wife, a 31-year-old daughter and a 29-year-old son who I can go out and play soccer with. It doesn't get any better than that! Your Joint FX keeps me and my wife going."

That's living young!  And all this talk about "not healing at your age," is ludicrous!  

Since when is 58 old?  ...Since people started listening to the invisible status quo that puts people on fistfuls of drugs at 40.  

Get real!

A Life Worth Living (Pain-Free!)

If life is like a game of chess, putting your trust into surgeons, doctors, surgery, and prescription drugs is like asking for an instant checkmate.

The smarter move is to put your trust in nature, as the first line of defense.  If that doesn't work, then surgery might be an option!

For abolishing knee pain, taking Joint FX is the best move you can make. Users often find themselves canceling their knee surgery... because the pain just goes away, with Joint FX.

Rod orders almost all of my products. That's a sign of someone living young.

"We also use your Relief FX because we cherish our kidneys and liver," he says. "The Cinnergy helps my guilt from my passion for dark chocolate covered tart cherries (another of my down sides). I must say... you've had such a positive change on people and this world, Shane. You have done well and I thank you for that from me and my family!"

Never Settle for Average

Many people Rod's age are cowering in a corner somewhere, complaining about achy joints, and not doing much of anything in life. 

Rod's knees are so young that he can play competitive soccer whenever he wants. Best of all, he can have fun with his family, because he's pain-free.

Why torture yourself? Make your joints young again with Joint FX. You'll thank me later.

$97 BONUS!  Willful ignorance is the primary fuel behind Western Medicine putting convincing us we are old and sick at 40 yo or more...To stop this, I'm throwing in my Secret Health Files for FREE with all 3-pack orders.  That means you get 15% off the Joint FX and I'll throw in 4 hours of education on secret cures, absolutely free.  This is a very simple course, with each track lasting only 10 minutes!  Offer ends in 24 hours! 

Shane Ellison, MS
The People's Chemist

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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