Subject: ~He Trashed His Insulin! (PIC)

Pastor Says, Enough is Enough, "I'm Off The Meds"
Ken's a fighter.  He doesn't care what his doctors say.  All he cares about is getting his life back.  And that's exactly how fighters think - laser focus, nothing gets in the way of winning the battle...

Wearing a light blue XXXXL shirt above, he was slowly dying.  Like so many others, the doctors just kept upping his medication.  

More insulin.  

More BP meds.

More profit for Wall Street.

Insulin is the worst medication for Type II diabetics because it just makes the disease worse! 

Diabetics are already suffering from TOO MUCH insulin. That's why they are "insulin resistant." 

A person who is insulin resistant or Type II diabetic is producing TOO much insulin.  You can see this in a simple blood test.  In time, the muscle cells no longer respond to it.  When muscle no longer responds to insulin, sugar has nowhere to go.  It rises.  You can see that in a blood test too.

The result is "bad blood."  Sugar and insulin gather and poison your bloodstream. 

By adding more insulin, you're ADDING to the severity of the disease!!!!  

Eyes wide shut, most people never catch on to the scam...

Ken found The People's Chemist and The 18 Minute Workout (Google it).  

The rest is history:

"Will follow up soon. Working a lot.  Weighed 344. Now weigh 240. Lost 104 pounds. Take my TPC supplements daily. Feel great.  Owe it all to your book, supplements and encouragement. Will be 60 years old. Life is awesome. I tell everyone get the book, learn and then buy the supplements."

Today, Ken spends 6-10 hours a day working at correctional facilities to teach prisoners about spirituality, the bible and how to take charge of their lives and health.

Big contrast from the blue shirt days when he couldn't find the energy to leave his house.

You're an inspiration Ken!  Anyone can be healthy when they're already fit and slim...but it takes real guts to pick yourself off the floor, stand nose-to-nose to decades of poor health and still say to yourself, "F#ck this, I'm fighting back."  Most people cave to the unknown that lies ahead.  Instead, Ken just got stronger!

Way to go.

For anyone else out there who's ready to fight back and have their own success story, go here:

For less than $4 per day you can ditch the meds and live young: 

Hurry before I run out or your meds start eliciting irreversible side effects!

Who can't sacrifice $4 a day to live their best life?????

Ditch the meds,

The People's Chemist

P.S.  This is a 90 day program for people who refuse to lose...for people who refuse to let the status quo tell them they need to be on meds for the rest of their lives:

P.P.S.  And yea, he ditched all the bullshit, synthetic vitamins you see for sale online like vitamin D, CoQ10, folic acid and calcium!

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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