Subject: He Didn't Use Gluten-Free to Achieve This! (Good Thing!)

A Proud Mama: Her Son Lost 100+ Pounds!
Mothers everywhere should pay attention to this story, especially if they have an overweight son or daughter.

Beth wrote to me on Facebook stating her 25-year-old son Joshua lost 100 pounds (and counting!), thanks to The People’s Chemist.

Did he do it through liposuction, Gluten-Free, The 4-Hour Body, Weight Watchers, testosterone cream, Paleo, tummy tuck or some other bullshit instant gratification remedy pushed by Internet gurus, doctors, trainers or plastic surgeons?


He did it by getting his eating and lifestyle habits under control so that his God-given hormones could be optimized for longevity - the way nature intended.

...I hope obese Americans mute Jerry Springer for one minute, put down the deep-fried Twinkie, and read this fantastic success story about Joshua!

(Reward: Learn how to save 20%, optimize your skinny hormones and work directly with me.)

He Was So Heavy, He Destroyed Shoes Within Months...

“Joshua had a normal weight for nearly his entire life,” his mom writes. “About 4.5 years ago, he started to make poor eating choices and really started to pack on the weight. He got to be 110 pounds overweight.”

“He was starting to have difficulties breathing while he slept, his triglycerides were through the roof, his knees were starting to give him trouble, he was wearing through shoes within a few months, he had started the beginnings of glaucoma and his cortisol levels were through the roof, causing him to have dark grey skin around his neck and on the knuckles of his hands. He was also getting skin tags like crazy (which have now been removed).”

When I read Beth’s description of her son, I envisioned Joshua to be 50 or 60, maybe 70 years old. But he was only 25.


Can you imagine dealing with accelerated aging at such a young age? Twenty-something guys are supposed to be out snowboarding, water skiing, jumping from planes, getting chicks and crushing life... not dealing with “old man” problems!

The People’s Chemist Knocks Out MS (Multiple Sclerosis), Makes a “Premature 70-Year-Old” 25 Again, and Transforms an Entire Family...

Joshua’s mother heard about The People’s Chemist while searching for solutions to her own health crisis.

“In doing research, wanting to take a natural and healthy approach (versus drugs), I found Shane's book,” says Beth. “I had just been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and again, wanted to take a natural, even more health-intense approach to treatment. Joshua found out about The People’s Chemist through me. What motivated him to explore TPC was seeing the difference following Shane had made for me with my MS, plus the fact that what Shane teaches just makes sense.”

“Shane's honesty regarding how he started his career and why he left to become ‘The People's Chemist’ is what made us trust him. I also appreciate Shane's attitude...he states what he believes with no apologies.”

It’s “Game Over” for Excess Triglycerides

Joshua started using AM PM Fat Loss, my revolutionary fat-blasting product, and immediately it was game over for his excess fat and accelerated aging...

“Once Joshua followed the guidelines in AM PM Fat Loss, the first thing he noticed was increased clarity of thought,” says his mom. “As his body continued to detox from sugar, that effect (clarity of thought) continued to increase. His overall sense of well-being improved. Also, his cravings were brought under control. His triglycerides are now completely under control, glaucoma is in ‘remission,’ and the cortisol levels/concerns are completely resolved/gone. He has lost 100 pounds now and no longer has trouble sleeping, as well.”

Be still, my beating heart. Joshua sounds like a 25-year-old again, ready to conquer life!

Down 100lbs (and Dropping Even More)...

I asked Beth how her son feels now that he’s dominated his health like a fearless warrior slaying fire-breathing dragon.

“Joshua feels incredible! He feels like on those occasions when he doesn't get enough sleep, he has enough energy now to make it through the day. Whereas before he started to follow Shane, he couldn't make it through the day without having enough sleep. I feel great and am able and know how to manage my MS symptoms. Our entire family follows the advice and health expertise provided by Shane/TPC.”

“There is NO MISSING Joshua's transformation!! He has lost 100 pounds. When people ask him "how he did it?", he tells them all about TPC! I (Beth) have given away over a dozen of Shane's books, trying to educate others on how to naturally give their body the best care. Finding Shane has been life-changing for our entire family.”

Now that’s a mother who can be proud!

Would You Like to Drastically Alter Your Life by Losing 100 Pounds?

There comes a point in life where you have to decide whether you’re going to continue letting excess weight kick your ass... or decide you’re going to do something to change it.

For Joshua, it was 100 pounds plus all the “side effects” of being so overweight that he was literally living like an old man. He was on the verge of digging himself into a needlessly early grave.

For you, it might be 50 pounds or 10 pounds... or simply converting more fat to muscle, so you can show off your abs while your chubby friends gaze at you with jealousy.

Divorce yourself from excess weight, kick that weight to the curb, and start living young with AM PM Fat Loss. It's the only permanent way to live longer, better.

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist