Subject: ~He DETOXED his body of fat storing hormones!

Learn How He Lost 66lbs in 105 Days and Said Goodbye to Heart Crushing Belly Fat Forever!
ALERT! These are real pics, taken with a phone - zero editing and no professional “glamor shots.” Notice the change in his face! This is always the case...The after shots are like a new and improved person...At the same time, his health is renewed and he has added years to his life. Healthy is the new good looking!

Here is his true story:

Dennis weighed an unsightly 250 pounds.

At 48 years old, he drank too much beer, had a deathly sugar habit, and rarely if ever got attention from the ladies.

That’s no way for a guy to live!

If that wasn't bad enough, Dennis also dealt with achy joints that made “creaking” noises (he may as well have been 90 years old!). He couldn't sleep for shit, had persistent food cravings, and suffered from high blood pressure. His quality of life was shot to hell.

He was carrying about 66 pounds too many. That’s the equivalent of carrying an 11-year-old boy around with you everywhere.

If he changed nothing, Dennis would have been on the fast track to disaster!

If he tried the latest fad diets like “gluten-free” or “low fat” or even “low calorie,” he'd still be on the fast track to disaster.

Fortunately, he got educated at

How Sugar Rapes, Pillages, and Plunders Your Insides

Like so many people who are overweight, Dennis was at the mercy of one simple truth: his fat burning hormones were AWOL and he needed to address that before he could permanently exit ‘hell.’

Nothing can fix hormones like

Imagine your hormones make up a small village. Everything is at peace, getting on just fine until sugar and artificial flavors come along and plunder everything in sight. With no conscience, sugar causes massive upheaval and unrest among the village. Your hormones start acting crazy and attacking other members of the village, and suddenly the whole place is in flames. Everything goes haywire.

It’s pure chaos! The unfortunate masses usually try to fix it with the latest diet craze...To no avail.

Or, they try to correct the chaos with drugs, silly exercise routines or Hormone Replacement Therapy like testosterone gels and even thyroid meds. In a sad twist of fate, their cure is actually causing even more harm...And they have no idea that hidden ingredients in their foods have been killing them and wrecking their hormones!

Like a charming psychopath, added sugar and artificial flavors seduce their way into your body and destroys everything in sight. Your body begins to fall apart one organ, one system, one joint at a time.

They’ve made movies about these insidious killers...Sadly, they haven't told people how to correct it!

It’s about Hormones not Willpower

By some stroke of good fortune, Dennis found The People’s Chemist.

He happened upon a secret weapon called AMPM Fat Loss, which has a vicious reputation for slaying sugar addictions and vaporizing excess body fat without willpower.

I'll let him tell you his story.

“I've been using your product for a few months and coupled with the 18-minute exercise routines, I went from weighing 250 pounds down to 184 pounds,” says Dennis. “And I'm still losing more weight. A lot of fat came off in the beginning, and then it continued to come off pretty steadily. Not drinking beer and overeating really helped me jump start my new program. And fortunately, my hormones shut off the cravings.”

I was stoked to hear that Dennis had decided to become the commander-in-chief of his own health. Taking charge of his own fate, he put an end to the “raping and plundering” that sugar had caused in his body.

“I've bought many of your products and I must tell you my joints don't hurt, I sleep like that drunken sailor, my craving for food is gone, my sugar is wwwaaayyyy down, I can go to the bathroom regularly, my blood pressure is perfect, my body doesn't creak when I get out of bed,” Dennis says. “I can tie my shoes with out passing out and I've lost 66 pounds. I want to get down between 160 and 170 and see how I feel.”

From a Size 38 to Size 32 Pants

“I went from a size 38 pants down to a 32 and it has been 3 and ½ half months,” says Dennis. “I feel great.”

Doesn't that inspire you to man up and combat your own sugar cravings?

Dennis added that, “Finally, someone who knows what the HELL they're talking about and can provide the products as well. Great job Shane, you're ACES in my book. And oh ya, the ladies are taking notice. Feels nice to get compliments HEHEHE.”

Burn Off Unwanted Fat, Get More Attention from the Opposite Sex

Do you want to take control of your hormones, put an end to food cravings, and start having the opposite sex look at you more often?

Then order AMPM Fat Loss, so you can mercilessly slay everything standing in your way of living young and sexy.

(And ladies, if you’re reading this – yes, you can use this product too! I can’t guarantee that the guy of your dreams will call you next week, but I CAN promise you’ll look and feel a thousand times better when you use AMPM Fat Loss to blast away the unwanted pounds. That will certainly make you more attractive to the opposite sex!)