Subject: ~He Cured Diabetes Then Bought This! (Pic)

Man Cures Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity Without Prescription Drugs and Buys Hot Rod to Celebrate Living Young, Naturally! 
Above is Roy...He was suffering miserably with Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity. He was on 8 different meds! (Of course each one was "FDA Approved" and backed by "science.")

"My medications were not working," he says. "I had lots of side effects from the meds – headache all the time, irritable all the time, and never felt good."

His wife sent me a message to tell me that his drugs, "Kept him in pain and angry all the time! Our relationship wasn't even the same."

His blood sugar was 220mg/dL! Normal blood sugar is 85 to 95mg/dL.

Anything over 125mg/dL, and you're labeled a type 2 diabetic, or more accurately, "insulin resistant."

When you're insulin-resistant, your body becomes a fat-storing machine, and you begin packing on the pounds faster than Obama can dish out welfare programs. Your arteries get clogged and you put yourself at greater risk for heart disease and cancer.

Bottom line: Roy's bad blood was putting him into an early grave.

"My blood sugar kept getting worse," says Roy. "And it finally came to a point that the doctor wanted to put me on insulin in March 2013. I told him no and went home."

"At that point, I decided to take charge of my life," says Roy. "Of course, my wife was kicking me in the butt and telling me to wake up or die. I wanted try something other than meds. I wanted something with no side effects."

"I read your book and began to follow the protocols and take Cinnergy, [true cinnamon and milk thistle combo]" Roy says. "Three months later, I had my lab work done. I'd lost 15 pounds, and my blood sugar level came down from 220 to normal!
"I continued with your recommendations," he says. "I've had the best lab results I ever have had in 7 years. I have to say that Shane's book Over-the-Counter Natural Cures saved my life."

I'm honored that Roy credits my book to saving his life.

However, I can't take any credit for his success. As I tell people who come to me for help with diabetes: high blood sugar is simply a disorder of poor habits. Change your habits, and you can change your health.

Roy successfully lowered his blood sugar, simply because he changed his habits and took Cinnergy...Now look at him. I wonder how many of his peers are buried from prescription drugs? Meanwhile he's cruising in his brand new dream car!

I asked Roy how he feels, now that he's no longer taking prescription meds.

"I feel and look fantastic compared to when I started this 9 months ago," he says. "I've lost 32 pounds. No side effects, more energy, better mental attitude and just a better way of life all the way around. I feel better than I've ever felt in my life. Now I'm living young with my dream car!"

His wife told me personally that she has the "old Roy" back...42 years of marriage and going strong!

If anyone tries to tell you there's no cure for type 2 diabetes, or that you have to take a drug to cure it – block them, turn the TV off, or do whatever it takes to keep that person's lies OUT of your ears! Don't listen to freelance actors who get paid to create idiotic (not to mention DECEITFUL) commercials for prescription drugs.

There IS a cure for type 2 diabetes. It's called eliminating your bad habits and treating your bad blood with Cinnergy.

Instead of succumbing to the lunacy of TV drug ads, make the wise decision to lower your blood sugar and start treating your body better.

You deserve amazing health.

You don't need to suffer or die young.

Ignore the fantasy promoted via TV drug ads and start living the life you intended!

"Your products are great," Roy says. "They work very well, and you can trust that they are pure. I would like to say thank you to Shane for caring about people and making a difference. I think you are very passionate about your work, and you're trying to help consumers, not just make money. Not many people would do that if there was not a dollar involved."

Click here to lower your blood sugar with my powerful Cinnergy supplement – and watch as your blood sugar level plummets! Buy Cinnergy Now and get a FREE Audio CD!

Special Offer Ends in 24 Hours!  Only $34.95 Total!
Buy One Bottle of Cinnergy for $34.95 and Get FREE Audio CD: Regular Price $59.90! You save $24.95!  Click Image Below!
Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Now that he's reversed his type 2 diabetes with Cinnergy, Roy also takes Cardio FX to continue protecting his heart – and to ensure that type 2 diabetes never returns! Together, Cinnergy and Cardio FX are a powerful combo that provide "double the protection" against diabetes, heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. Stock up on these 2 powerful supplements while supplies last!

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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