Subject: ~Have My Kids Ever Been Sick!?

About my unvaccinated babies...(Well, one is a teen, now)

A small gang of hyper-reactive parents are continuing
to huff and puff about my latest vaccine article, "Should I

"You're endangering your kids and others around you."

This is factually untrue...There's no herd immunity. It's a myth and
the story is told over and over again to sell vaccines.

If herd immunity worked, naturally-acquired immunity would
impart it, too. But it doesn't. That's because immunity only comes
from your immune system!

And that's why you have to protect it and bolster it.

All of my kids were and are little germ factories. They get sick.

It's the cycle of life.

And the more they get sick, the stronger they become. That's because
the immune system has a memory.

Vaccines (antibiotics, too) weaken that immunological recollection.

Not good.

Immunity threats are everywhere…it’s disgusting, actually.

A single gram of feces can contain more than 10 million viruses, 1 million bacteria,
1,000 parasite cysts and 100 parasite eggs.

Our world is a breeding ground for illness. But you don’t have to be a
victim to this. Instead, you can minimize the everyday risk of
infection by strengthening your immunity, and its memory.

Scientists Bruce Beutler and Jules Hoffmann were the first to discover that
humans are hard-wired with special receptors that recognize foreign
invaders and activate our immune response to protect us.

But in order to activate these sentinels, we need to supply the body with
high-quality fuel derived from natural products to feed and nourish our
very complex immune system.

Decades of science show that the active ingredients in Immune FX
( are the true answer for harnessing the
protective power of our immune system!

Start protecting your body around the clock:

Immune FX provides two potent immune activators found in nature –
andrographis paniculata and coriander. Together, they put immune activity
into overdrive to favor eradication of foreign invaders.

Andrographis paniculata has been used throughout history for digestive
problems, snakebites, and infections ranging from malaria to dysentery. And
all of these uses have been validated with state-of-the-art scientific

In an immunity test conducted by Henan University in China, scientists
rated andrographis paniculata as the most potent anti-viral herbal medicine
ever discovered.

A similar study conducted by scientists at Bastyr University showed a
significant rise in immune protection against both viral and bacterial
infections, with only 10 mg/kg of andrographis!

The University of Michigan medical school recently wrote that, “a
double-blind trial showed andrographis successfully reduced the severity of
the common cold.”

For the first time ever, it’s potency has been raised by combining it
with coriander. Not only does this act as a heavy metal magnet and pull
toxins from the body, but it also serves as nature’s vitamin C. A well
known asset in immunity, naturally occurring vitamin C is far superior than
commercial source, known as ascorbic acid.

Unlike anything else available today, Immune FX doesn’t have any
lab-derived vitamin mimics like vitamin D or folic acid. Even better,
it’s many times stronger than common flim-flam such as Echinacea.

As a father and chemist, I’ve used this same formula to ward off illness
in my own family. Whether it was to prevent infection or overcome a harsh
cough, cold or flu, it has always worked wonders for us. I’ve even used
it to help a close friend overcome pneumonia.

He wrote the following:

“Shane once saved my life from pneumonia with his recommendation of an
herb that had no side effects, and which let me throw the antibiotics down
the toilet. Now I take it all the time. And since that toilet flush, I have
no more of the acid reflux that always results from the antibiotics killing
the good bacteria. Thanks, Shane, and keep telling us what you REALLY mean
in a city where no one else does.”

Start protecting your body around the clock:

Dare to Live Young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. All USA orders are going out with FREE shipping! No matter what
you spend, I'm shipping for FREE! That means you can get
Immune FX delivered to your door without paying a thing.

Start protecting your body around the clock:

Yes, FREE shipping for ANY product at

This offer ends in 24 hours!