Subject: ~Have I seen this article on SUGAR!?


...Am getting a heavy dose of emails asking me if I’ve seen the recent
news, “How the Sugar Industry Shifted Blame to Fat.”

I’m not a total hermit.

I saw the paper in JAMA.

However, my Give-O-Fuck meter hasn’t budged.

It was almost 20 years ago that I received graduate student of the year for
my research in medicinal chemistry. Before that, I was hustling steroids
across the border at 15 years old to make a buck from wanna-be high school

And even before that, I cured myself of “hypoglycemia” (low blood
sugar) at age 14 after a “doctor” prescribed me more candy to ramp up
my dwindling blood sugar. (See FREE report at

...And even before that, I knew sugar was bad!

Who doesn’t!???

“I thought sugar was good for you,” said nobody, ever!

Fact is, hundreds of millions of people in America love to shift blame and
distract themselves away from the real issue.

“How the Sugar Industry Shifted Blame to Fat” does precisely that…the
real issue is that NOBODY is taking responsibility for their own fucking
actions. Everybody would rather waste time pointing the finger at someone

The title should have been, "How Sick Patients Blame
Corporate America For Their Sugar Addiction."

That would have spike the needle on my GOF Meter, for sure.

In that article, you'd read how countless numbers of people willfully
choke down organic yogurts, sports bars, protein powders and hydration
drinks without looking for cane sugar on the labels...and then shifting blame
to their gym, their doctor or their government for not telling them it's the
chief cause for their beer belly, muffin tops and sagging asses....

I can’t help but see parallels in the so-called “student loan crisis”
— where millions of students borrowed huge sums of money they couldn’t
afford to pay back, and are now blaming predatory lenders (or someone else)
for their financial downfall.

These people learned everything about parallelograms, algorithms, how to
upload photos on Facebook, and the Civil War — but they never spent a
single hour learning financial responsibility.

Somehow, they expect loans to be forgiven or reduced?!?…and the red
carpet to be magically rolled out at graduation?!?

Sugar yields heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. End of story. If you eat
sugar, you openly invite these diseases into your life. That’s it…class
is over.

If you choose to experience the inevitable effects of eating sugar (i.e.,
obesity, depression, irritability, sluggishness, poor sleep, looking ugly,
and being stupid) — then you’re the only one to blame.

Whether it’s loans, sugar, or being a jack ass — people need to start
making better choices.

Like public health leaders, the article failed miserably at teaching this
one important point. Instead, everybody’s now focused on “who’s to
blame.” Yawn.

If any of the ravishing diseases bury you prematurely from your sugar use,
you won’t be alive to blame anyone. So take responsibility for your own
health before it’s too late.

The late Jack LaLanne, the world’s foremost exercise and health advocate,
was saying “Fuck sugar” A LONG TIME AGO!!! He didn’t try to sell us
outlandish diets, turn us into twig-eatin’ hippies, push hormones on us
or force us to choke down newfangled supplement fads.

Instead Jack kept physical fitness within the reach of everyone by showing
that our “habits create and eradicate disease” — the deadliest habit

Long before sugar was discovered to be “suicide in slow motion,” Jack
went toe-to-toe with this looming threat to America’s health. A
self-confessed sugar junkie, he conquered his addiction and helped millions
do the same. He fought conventional health wisdom and won.

If Jack stood for only one thing, it would be for “living young,” for
pushing the limits no matter what your age, no matter what your fears, no
matter what your addictions, debts, or bad habits currently may be.

Even at 96 he lived younger than most people do in their twenties. At age
60, he swam from Alcatraz Island to Fisherman’s Wharf, handcuffed,
shackled and towing a 1,000-pound boat.

Today, I hear 20 year olds complain about an 18-minute workout routine.

Meanwhile, Jack was a shining example of someone who decided the sky was no
longer the limit.

Want to start living young?

Detox from sugar with these 3 simple steps:

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Save yourself from the pitfalls of sugar. Take a natural pill that
shocks the sugar right out of your system…Hurry and get Cinnergy:

This potent organic cinnamon and milk thistle combo forces the body to
clear deadly sugar from the blood stream. (If you’re not diabetic, just
take ONE capsule per week!) Get it at

SAVE 15% when you ADD 3 Bottles! Only while supplies last!

P.P.S. Forward this email to your loved ones!…especially those who are
fat, addicted to sugar, while buried under a mountain of student loan debt.