Subject: Has Your Common Sense Been Hijacked? NY Times Wants You on DRUGS!


The New York Times recently posted an article calling out Americans' unhealthy obsession with store-bought vitamins.

"...We've allowed the word 'vitamin' to become synonymous with 'health.' The allure of vitamins has hijacked our common sense. Synthetic vitamins are now required to keep us healthy – but they also enable us to eat ourselves sick," the article states.

The NY Times only got half of this statement right.

They're correct in saying Americans are obsessed with vitamins. However, they're WRONG in suggesting that synthetic vitamins keep us healthy.

This is an insidious ad disguised as an article…

Fact is, synthetic vitamins are a modern day curse that only few will escape from! See to learn how to curb the threat!

You can have the best diet in the world, but if you take synthetic vitamins, you can still end up being poisoned!

Plus, due to over-processing and poor quality control standards, most store-bought vitamins don't even contain the nutrients advertised on the label!

Even the NY Times admits: "The very processing that's necessary to create long shelf lives destroys vitamins, among other important nutrients. It's nearly impossible to create foods that can sit for months in a supermarket that are also naturally vitamin-rich."

Translation: Taking store-bought vitamins is a waste. Might as well swallow a Lego!

Nobody is bothering to ask, "What's in this stuff that makes it have such a long shelf-life?"

As the People's Chemist, I'm more interested in ensuring my products have the highest potency than extending their shelf-life.

I refuse to add adulterants and additives that lengthen shelf-life. At The People's Chemist, I NEVER add titanium dioxide, calcium, dextrose, maltodextrin, or magnesium stearate.  That's why you'll never see my products on store shelves, ever!

I'll coud never comply with stores' rules requiring companies to add this shit to their products.  It's unethical.

I guess other jackass supplement companies are OK with that practice.

Not The People's Chemist.

TPC focuses on what matters – high-quality, ultra-potent products that deliver great benefits to users.

To make up for nutritional deficiencies in your food, stay away from synthetic vitamins packed with additives. And instead, use the highly potent Daily Dose as your trusted multivitamin. No additives. No garbage.

And it has the most potent, compounded form of curcumin!

Daily Dose is hands down, the best multi-vitamin on the market. Rather than poisoning you, it will add years to your life – and more importantly, it will add quality to those years.

Learn why at 

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Remember, longer shelf life for vitamins does NOT equate to more benefits for the user! There's no good reason to swallow highly processed synthetic vitamins containing zero nutrient content. Instead, use Daily Dose – the ultra-potent multi-vitamin that delivers the best nutrients to your body, guaranteed.

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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