Subject: ~Harmed by flu shot (Don't do it for herd immunity!)


A good friend of mine recently emailed to say, “my 65 year old sister
took the flu shot and it has about killed her. I don't know how many
doctors she has seen but it been about 2 months and she still can't hardly
do anything. The doctors have told her that the flu shot is what destroyed
her health.”

I hate hearing stories like this. And they are far too common…perfectly
healthy people should not be getting flu shots. Unfortunately, many
are bullied into getting jabbed in the name of "protecting the herd."

Don't fall for it...

Herd immunity is a hypothesis plucked out of an old college text book. It
states that large groups of immune people are able to protect the immune
compromised or unvaccinated. In other words, herd immunity serves as a
human shield – a type of immunity – for “at-risk” individuals. And
without question, vaccines are said to induce it. But remember, it’s
only a hypothesis…as old as 1840!

To test herd immunity, you simply have to monitor a highly vaccinated (or
even naturally-immune) group for an outbreak. If anyone among the herd is
infected and there’s a spread, then obviously, herd immunity doesn't
work. And this is exactly what’s been found over the last few decades.

In Corpus Christi, where the vaccine rate was 99%, measles was undeterred.
An outbreak among the adolescents who received their shots, scientists
writing for The New England Journal of Medicine documenting the spread,
concluded that, “outbreaks of measles can occur in secondary schools,
even when more than 99 percent of the students have been vaccinated and
more than 95 percent are immune.”

Echoing these findings, The American Journal of Public Health showed a 98%
vaccine rate at a Massachusetts high school. This didn't stop a measles
outbreak from erupting among the heavily vaccinated “herd.”

Proponents of herd immunity usually insist that outbreaks should be met
with yet more vaccines, reaching as high as 100%…but that’s no longer
herd immunity, that’s vaccine-induced protection, by definition. And
even then, the herd is still vulnerable!

In Illinois, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
documented an outbreak despite a 100% vaccine rate in a Sangamon County
high school. In Emerging Infectious Diseases, scientist discovered
whooping cough outbreaks among fully “immunized” populations of
children as well. Their research - published by the CDC found that,
“Vaccinated adolescents and adults may serve as reservoirs for silent
infection and become potential transmitters to unprotected infants.”

You can go as far back as the first test tube and find these same results,
repeated among different “herds.” Infection still exists among highly vaccinated
groups. And in fact, even when natural immunity dominates a group, illness
can still spread...That’s because herd immunity (as well as vaccine-induced)
doesn’t exist outside of textbooks and pharmaceutical propaganda. The only
way to protect yourself is with a strong immune system, healthy diet,
good hygiene and when all else fails, emergency medicine...but not vaccines.

Like argumentative apes, pro-vaccine parents and their physicians start
pounding their chest in favor of such statements. More incredulous, they
attack anti-vaccine parents, accusing them of “putting vaccinated kids at
risk due to a breakdown in herd immunity.” This is fuzzy logic. And
it’s borderline stupid. After all, if vaccines truly worked, why would
vaccinated kids be at risk?

If pro-vaccine advocates, the media and doctors really cared about
protecting us, they’d stop using an unproven hypothesis like herd
immunity to question those who opt out. Instead, a more level-headed
approach would be to question the obvious factors that are detracting from
our health:

- A lack of herd immunity
- Waning vaccine efficacy
- Vaccine failure and
- The spread of disease by the vaccinated

Healthy skepticism can go a long way in asking the obvious question: Are
vaccines safe and effective?

A better way to boost our immune system would be with
And if that fails, fortunately, emergency medicine is standing by to fight
the rare instance we should fall ill.

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

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