Subject: ~Happy Friday Quick Story!


Lots of exciting things happen when you get off prescription drugs....

"My husband Lee had back surgery three years ago," Carol writes. "They told
him he would never drive a truck again. That's what he does for a living
for a freight company in a day cab, which just beats the hell out of you."

I guess if you’re a doctor and you only have drugs to prescribe, not much is

Luckily, Carol and her husband started adhering to my “nutrient logic.” This means
that if you give the body what it needs, it can heal itself, outside of catastrophic
illness of course…

"My husband takes Raw T, Thermo FX (AM and PM) for fat loss, and Joint FX
[for joint pain]. He lost probably 25 pounds and was able to go back to
driving. He maintains that weight loss by eating better, along with me and
taking your awesome products! Very thrilled!"

Carol had also experienced some challenges of her own:

"For me, I had a gastric sleeve surgery (big mistake) and lost 70 pounds
and was feeling like crap. My doctor told me I would always have to take
store-bought vitamins, which never did anything for me. I found your
products…Now all I take is Daily Dose [ ] & Cinnergy
[ ]! I absolutely cannot believe how much better I feel. I've lost the
extra weight I had put on from eating shit food!"

Carol and Lee sound like a power couple to me.

Lee lost weight with Thermo FX [ ]… and Carol's
kicking ass by taking my safe multivitamin, Daily Dose [ ], which is NOT available right now...sorry!

Plus, she flat out refused to take toxic store-bought vitamins that her
doctor tried to push on her!

Way to go, Carol! That's what I call living young!

"My doctor can't believe I don't take over-the-counter vitamin supplements,
and my blood work looks fantastic," she says. "So from the bottom of our
hearts, we thank you very much for your awesome products! We're extremely
pleased with the results. Benefits of The People's Chemist are amazing!"

Carol and Lee didn't stop there though… because friends don't let friends
take unnecessary prescription drugs!

"FYI: We just got some friends of ours from Kremmling, CO, to order some of
your products, as the husband is pre-diabetic," adds Carol. "The doctor
wants to put him on medicine, and I said please try Cinnergy first at!"

"Thanks again to Shane for sending out all the great emails with helpful
info!" says Carol.

Carol and Lee are among the few people who don't let the IGNORANCE of
others stop them from living young. Not even the ignorance of doctors.

They're prime examples of people taking charge of their own health!

I'm inspired just reading her email! There are a few people listening!

America is getting better one INFORMED American at a time!

Keep living young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Many health problems are created simply by carrying around extra body
fat — like lugging a baby elephant around with you everywhere. Demolish
this fat by using Thermo FX - (Note: There's a Thermo
FX for use the morning & at night.) Get Thermo FX PM here: By burning off unnecessary fat, you'll find a lot of
your health problems vanishing. Plus, when you're leaner, you'll just feel