Subject: HURRY! Limited Edition Soap Drop!

The People's Chemist - Straight Talk

Limited Edition, Chemical-FREE Soap DROP on Etsy! Hurry!


From Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison, M.S.

Bachelor's degree in biology

  • Master's degree in organic chemistry

  • Abandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemist

  • Helps people ditch their meds to live young

  • Author of 3 Worst Meds & more

I was 18 years old the first time I added Lye to fat.  It was a mess. 

Rushing through my Chem 101 lab, I was focused more on cutting weight for wrestling and getting to practice than on my reaction temperatures, weights and procedures...I was a b@#tch, trying to get through life by focusing only on winning, not being strong. 

Too hot, the reaction seized up like a bucket of concrete.  Four hours later, my second batch worked perfect. My soap was safely poured into the mold. 

A year later, I was using those cured, 100% olive oil bars. 

That was my first introduction to real soap. I’ve never gone back to store-bought or the silly, Farmers Market soap made by bored housewives who eat too f!@cking much...just sayin. 

Soap making has been a mainstay for my family for 20 years!  It’s served as homeschool lessons in math and more importantly, a lesson in how corporate America, like my former self, turned into b@#tches who only care about winning...even if that means selling you fake soap with massive profit margins.

"Just look at  these days" has become synonymous with teaching corruption and complacency. And you could say the same for schools, colleges, cars, and medicine. 

Today's soap isn't even real soap.  It's a counterfeit.  It wipes dirt away, but it's also a breeding ground for skin cancer and germs thanks to the dozens of chemicals used to make it look like and behave like soap:

  • Colorants

  • Perfumes

  • Parabens

  • Sodium laureth sulfate

  • Sodium lauryl sulfate

  • Methylisothiazolinone

  • Methylchloroisothiazolinone

  • Triclosan

These chemicals helps corporations win at profits, at your expense...can you imagine exposing your family to this?

In short time, I shifted my focus in college and wrestling. Instead of wanting to win at wrestling, I wanted to be strong in life. That meant giving the same attention to detail off the mat as I did on it.

I had to take the hard road to live the good life. In time, that road got really meant having kids at home, living debt free, ditching a career that was hell-bent on medicating the world to death, driving old, cheap cars, renting homes for decades...

Every last detail mattered if I was going to help raise a family chemical and debt free...even to the seemingly smallest degree, like soap.

And that's how the Filthy Animal Charcoal and Wonder Woman bars were born: From a total disdain for the corporatocracy that aims to win at your expense.

You can say F@# Off, just like I did.

My Limited Edition Charcoal and Wonder Woman bars are now LIVE on Etsy! Click below to see and learn about these one-of-a-kind, chemical-free bars:

Click: The 3:1 Charcoal Bars here!

Click: The Wonder Woman Bars here!

These won't last long...protect your family and give the most unique, highly sought after gift: Health!

Stay Filthy,

A Filthy Animal


These Soaps SELL OUT FAST!



Time To Ditch The Meds!