Subject: Guardian Of Fitness, Health and Wrinkle-Free Skin!

From the Desk of The People's Chemist

WARNING:  You only need to take this product once to twice per week!  IT'S THAT POTENT!

The Guardian of Health, Fitness and Wrinkle-Free Skin That Costs Less Than $10 Per Month! I’m Not Making This Up.

I’ve written about the vast benefits of cinnamon and milk thistle for the last 5 years. And over that time, I’ve watched companies adulterate their products with toxic substances like chromium picolinate, processed soy oils, titanium dioxides and sodium lauryl sulfates.

Worse, I’ve even tested other products that claim to be potent water or alcohol extracts and found they didn’t carry ANY of the medicinal compounds intended by Mother Nature. Once altered in the lab, my results showed conclusively that the quality of products dwindled.

Yet, science continues to discover the vast benefits of using “medicinally active” cinnamon and milk thistle. Therefore, I set out to offer a safe and effective product like Cinnergy so that consumers could avoid the marketing shenanigans of the supplement industry, while also using it as the guardian of their health, fitness, longevity and even to Un-Wrinkle their skin!

See the fact sheet at

How Cinnergy Un-Wrinkles Skin

Sunshine isn’t the only damaging agent that can bring on wrinkles. Toxins are a threat too because they can damage collagen, the framework of our skin. The most common toxins include mercury, lead acetate, petroleum distillates, ethylacrylate, polyethylene glycol, and dibutyl phthalate. Whether they are inhaled, sprayed, or slathered on your skin via perfumes, make-up and skin-care products, these collagen twisters age you prematurely.

In an attempt to fight back, the body produces a cellular cleaning lady known as glutathione, as taught above. Once made within the skin, she attaches to toxins, makes them water soluble, and with surgical precision, gets them out.

The biological cleaning lady doesn’t appear in the skin out of thin air. Glutathione production is dependent on the intake of milk thistle. Once ingested, it activates production and also protects glutathione from being broken down prematurely inside the skin cells. Heavy detox follows, helping your appearance become clear of the numerous environmental toxins that exist. Your collagen is preserved, and premature wrinkling thwarted…Your friends comment on your smooth, healthy look 

See the fact sheet at

New Science Shows How Mother Nature's Miracle Healer Also Strengthens Bones, Stop Wrinkles And Bust Cancer Cells!

Cinnergy is a mandatory supplement for everyone because it forms a protective shield around cells to protect from the toxic threat of modern day society - fluoride, BPA, sodium lauryl sulfates (SLS), and the barrage of chlorine toxins and drugs now sneaking into our water.

To add to the benefits, recent studies are showing that milk thistle strengthens our skeletal system too!

Did you know that your body replaces 10% of its entire bone structure every year?  By labeling the active ingredients of milk thistle with "tracers," scientists were able to monitor its interactions.  What they witnessed was nothing more than miraculous.  Acting as a "molecular rejuvenator," of 

sorts, it encouraged cells to shed old bone faster, and to make way for the production of newer, stronger bone material.

The Journal of Cellular Biochemistry published the data telling other scientists that, "These results demonstrate that silibinin [from milk thistle] was a potential therapeutic agent promoting bone-forming."  

Released just last month, they were quick to remind readers that milk thistle delays wrinkling due to its powerful antioxidant effects, protects the liver (hepatoprotective) and gives cancer (carcinoma) cells a biological smack down writing that, "Numerous studies suggest that silibinin [milk thistle] is a powerful antioxidant and has anti-hepatotoxic properties and anti-cancer effects against carcinoma cells."

As I wrote in Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, milk thistle is VERY inexpensive, and comes with a wide array of health benefits.  Learn about how to use it best with cinnamon to gain many more surprising benefits:

See the fact sheet at

Take 8 minutes to learn more about Cinnergy and milk thistle at:

See the fact sheet at

It's never too late to live young!

The People's Chemist

About this Newsletter

Natural Cures Watchdog is published by Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison. He is an award-winning chemist with a masters degree in organic chemistry and author of Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, winner of the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award. This is a FREE service so that NOBODY IS LEFT BEHIND. Please join him in his efforts to educate the laymen by FORWARDING this email to your friends and loved ones. You can sign up at