Subject: Green Tea Beats Prostate Cancer

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Green Tea for Prostate Health

By Jon Herring of

Asian cultures have promoted the many health benefits of
green tea for thousands of years. In the last decade, modern
science has been catching up. Hundreds of studies now
confirm that you should be drinking a few cups of green tea
every day. And two recent studies show that it provides
particularly powerful prostate protection. (Say that three
times fast!)

Italian researchers studied 62 men with a pre-cancerous
prostate condition. (Normally, this condition would result in
cancer in 30 percent of cases.) Half the men were given a
placebo, while half consumed green tea extract daily. In the
placebo group, 9 out of 30 men developed cancer. In the
green tea group, only 1 out of 32 developed the disease. This
is consistent with the results of an Australian study of
Chinese men which found that those who consumed the most
green tea were two-thirds less likely to develop prostate

Learn more about green tea as a potent supplement here:

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