Subject: ~Government Attacks Supplement Makers!


The FTC (Federal Trade Commission) is suing Sunrise
Nutraceuticals, LLC, a dietary supplement marketer of
valerian, for "Making misleading claims that its product
can help treat and even cure people who are addicted to
prescription opiates."

Bank accounts have been seized, men with boots and guns have
stormed in. Lives have been ruined...over the valerian plant.

How about attacking the scumbag drug companies that MAKE, SELL,

There's a lot to tackle there.

Just yesterday STAT Law reported that, "The federal government has
the power to impose fines on institutions that fail to disclose trial results,
or suspend their research funding. It could have collected a whopping $25
billion from drug companies alone in the past seven years. But it has not
levied a single fine."

If the ghost writing, statistical contortionism and other scientific fraud is not
enough… hiding trial data to hook people on meds is just another way they
can skew (or bury) negative results. But, yea, lets chase after the purveyors
of valerian.

Opioids are the worst drugs ever invented by mankind…Sourced from
nature and twisted into highly addictive compounds by pharmaceutical
chemists, they're claiming people's lives at a frightening pace.

As usual, the "regulatory agencies" that are supposed to be protecting
people are protecting the drug companies. Heck, soon you'll see
Big Pharma CEOs on the cover of TIME magazine.

"Big Pharma CEO Praised For Breakthrough Drug Trial: Opioids Safe
and Effective for Kids."

Wall Street will celebrate, more people will die. Supplement makers will
be scorned.

An FTC press release states: "Sunrise allegedly ran advertising on its
website targeting opiate-dependent consumers with claims that it is the
‘#1 opiate withdrawal supplement…It also claims a high-success rate
among users, and that ‘the effects can be felt from the first dose…"

Translation: opiate makers don't want Americans weaning off their opiate
addictions…because that would mean lost profits. So the FTC is swooping
in to save the day.

If only these clowns would direct their lawsuits towards the billion-dollar
drug industry that thrives off keeping Americans sick.

Government is NOT looking out for your best interests.

It's one nation under drugs.

The cycle of stupid never ends. Meanwhile, hapless Americans are asking
their doctor, "Is this drug right for me?"

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Big Pharma and Big Government aim to keep you as DUMB, SICK, and
MEDICATED as possible. Just shut up, take your meds, and don't question the
system. Or…you can reject this bullshit and REFUSE to get hooked on drugs
in the first place. Your choice. Educate yourself by reading
Over-the-Counter Natural Cures Expanded. Buy now: