Subject: Gout: A True Story!

Gout: A True Story!
(Read in FULL!)


From Shane “The People’s Chemist” Ellison, M.S.

- Bachelor's degree in biology

- Master’s degree in organic chemistry

- Abandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemist

- Helps people ditch their meds to live young

- Author of 3 Worst Meds & more

You can't deny Joint FX when you have measurable results like these:

"I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and started the Plaquinil and Mobic route - which brought some relief but when my doctor wanted me to add Methotrexate to the mix - I said Woah - Non Baby Chemo for me and started
looking and found you - I too will never be without Joint FX or Daily dose - I have been off the meds now for over 2 years - most days no pain - after strenuous work a little - but when I had my x-rays done last year to see if
any progression - ZERO and my primary doc (since I no longer need my rheumatologist) was baffled - seems the cartiledge in my hand under the thumb are had grown back - lol - absolutely Love your products."

And this one , too:

"It's all true. Since I began taking Joint FX, I no longer suffer from as much knee pain as I used to. I take it every day and am thankful that at 65 years of age it works for me."

Joint FX also tackles gout, without a single side effect!

"Guess what, Thanks to your emails from your news letter that goes out every day when my husband, 66, got gout a week ago. I remembered your email about the joint FX."

"My husband was complaining that he felt he must have done something to his foot as out of no where it started to hurt and it was getting more painful as the time went by."

"We were out at the time and as soon as we got home I said take these right now. He had gout after he got out of the hospital with a heart attack a few years ago and he figured that the gout was back."

"I swear he only took 4 capsules that evening and he could tell that the pain was slowly starting to subside. He took 4 more in the morning and then repeated that dose for 2 more days."


"It works as well as you say it does and anyone who knows how bad gout is should have a bottle on hand."

"By the way we found out about you after my husbands heart attack when the surgeon and the pharmacist said that he would have to stay on that shit load of man made chemicals for the rest of his life. My husband said
no f@#king way that I am going to choke down these statins and blood pressure meds etc for the rest of my life and he has been on Cardio FX ( for the last 5 years and doing great! Thank you!"

Most people don't know that Joint FX dissolves painful gout crystals!

Hell, most people don't even know what gout is..

I've used it for that purpose for 18 years! 

Joint FX also rebuilds cartilage that has wasted away over the's like getting new padding on your joints!

Stock up now at

Save 15% when you order 3, which is currently the bestseller....stock is drying up!

And yes I'm shipping all orders over $89 for FREE.

Ditch the meds!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Joint FX has been crushing joint pain and gout for over 15 years!!!!! The celebratory offer of 15% off and FREE shipping won't last! Stock up at

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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