Subject: ~Goals: Move Forward Even If You Have to Crawl!


The first goal I can remember setting was to be a state champion
wrestler. That was a long shot...I failed miserably.

Then, it was to graduate high school. That one I met! And in a huge
stroke of luck it turned into a wrestling scholarship, then an academic

I never stopped making goals...and since then, I've crashed and burned on
some. Others I met.

Everything I learned about reaching goals came from being a competitive
grappler. In the world of martial arts, it’s rare to find someone who’s a
champion both on and off the mat.

In many cases, those who win while “on” the mat often find their personal
lives falling apart…due to succumbing to distractions, fame, social
media, shitty supplements, steroids…you name it.

At every turn, a champion has an opportunity to screw up and return back to
“less than his best.”

That’s why I was excited to meet someone who strives for success on and
off the mat.

Meet Devhonte “Bones” Johnson...

He’s a Jiu Jitsu grappler and recent world champion.

Unlike most, he’s original, dedicated, and totally willing to define life
on his own terms.

“Keep moving forward even if you have to crawl,” he says. Wise words!

Read my interview with Devhonte at:

His simple bits of wisdom can go a long way for anyone striving to be their
own personal best.

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist