Subject: ~Getting the Right DOSE is Important!

The People's Chemist
What's The Safest Dose???
Skyler Mat
And so it begins...

My 4-year old, Skyler, is officially on the mats!  

"When am I going to jiu-jitsu like Blair, Dad?" 

I heard that question for 6 months straight.

And for 6 months, I assured him, "Soon enough! You should be at least 6 yo when you start bud, no rush."

But, he insisted.

So, last night, he had his first practice and his first belt ceremony.

And can you guess what he was talking about this morning?

....everything jiu-jitsu.

"Did you wash my gi dad?"

"Are my muscles bigger from jiu-jitsu dad?"

"Did I do good at jiu-jitsu dad."

...I guess we are going back tonight.

Skyler's constant request for jiu-jitsu is much like the constant requests I get for proper dosing of Cardio FX!

"What's the best dose for Cardio FX?"

Well, the best dose is on the label!

All my products have dosing instructions on the label!

Like anything, it's very important that you get the right dose of Cardio FX!

And more is better!

I sell it as a 150 ct bottle for this very reason:

I didn't make that rule.

Nature did.

Cardio FX is best taken as 3 capsules twice daily.

That's going to ensure that it works!

I created Cardio FX to supercharge the cardiovascular system. 

Loaded with hawthorn, grape seed extract, garlic, and magnesium citrate it's the go to product for:

- Strengthening the heart
- Warding off risky blood clots
- Increasing oxygen and nutrient distribution
- Controlling blood pressure

Since day one, it's been used by pilots, athletes and moms who no longer want the stress of poor heart health and dangerous BP meds as well as blood thinners.

To say that it works is an understatement. It's nature's definitive heart cure. But you need to be taking the right dose!

This mornings email was yet another confirmation of how effective it is when used in the proper dose:

"I wanted to write and report some time ago, but now the time has come."

"I stopped taking Deltiazem Oct. 1. 2016. I had A-Fib and my Cardiologist diagnosed me with 'congestive heart failure'."

"Last year I started to take Cardio FX. I took 2 caps 3 X a day and slowly took less and less from my deltiazem. My heart did not skip and my blood pressure stays around 120/75."

"I saw my cardiologist in March 2017. EKG was good. He listened to my heart, everything is fine. And I told him that I am off the medication. He did not say anything! Just that I have no more risk of heart failure."

"Right now I am taking 2 Cardio FX in the morning and 2 at night. My heart feels fine !! I thank you for your wonderful products."

Want to bulletproof your cardiovascular system?

Then make sure you're getting the proper dose of Cardio FX!

Currently you can save 15% when you buy 3 bottles of Cardio FX at 

Ditch the meds,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Here's another great testimony:

"During my flight physicals, my typical blood pressure was around 147/85 and I really wanted to avoid prescribed BP medications. Then through AOPA e-newsletter, I read your information about hawthorn berries being a key ingredient to your heart, blood pressure and overall circulatory system health, so I decided to give it a try - CARDIO FX. I didn't check my BP again for two weeks and was pleasantly surprised to see it had dropped to and stays around 122/67, with little deviation. I recommended hawthorn berries to an 88-year-old friend and current pilot who checked with his pharmacist friend for approval and has since lowered it about the same as mine! Thank you!" 
— Bob, Pilot

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