Subject: ~Get off these meds already!


Last week my neighbor told me she had a urinary tract
she was leaving to Whole Foods.

"I'm headed there to get something 'natural'," she assured me...

"They won't have anything that will work," I offered...

What could she possibly get that is natural, safe and effective at beating
infection? Vitamin D? EmergenC?

Blah, blah, blah.

It's all crap.

"Hold on, let me get you something."

I ran in the house and grabbed a bottle of Immune FX.

"Look, there's no guarantee, but take one a day for 10 days," I insisted.

I try not to give people false hope. But when something can work better
than medicine or crap from Whole Foods, I get pretty pushy.

Good thing, too.

A few days later, after her doctor's appointment and urine test, she was
all clear of any sign of UTI...No risky antibiotics for her.

Even one round of antibiotics can harm you for life! No joke. Your heart,
cardiovascular system, kidneys, liver and joints are all potential casualties
of war...the war that aims to put you on drugs for life.

Win the battle with - say hell no to meds!

It works for allergies, too! How?

Glad you asked.

Immune FX boosts your immune system so that you're not limping through
life crippled by biological nasties or inflammation that arises when trying
to overcome pollen or other things in air that set you off!!!

One fan overcame allergies after 50 years on meds!!!!

"This year I vowed NOT to take any Claritin and instead took an Immune FX
at breakfast and dinner," says Cindy. "Hallelujah! It totally worked like a
miracle! I've had no allergy symptoms and no weight gain. 2016 has been the
best Spring ever! Thank you!"

Get this in your medicine cabinet!

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist