Subject: Get off the anti-coagulants! Use Nature's Clot Buster Instead!


When I was in graduate school for chemistry, the blood thinner
warfarin (coumadin) was just beginning to surface in emergency
medicine. It was a fantastic drug when used for that purpose, as it
stifled suffocating clots caused by internal injury.

Unfortunately, it didn't take long for the Big Pharma marketing machine to start
pushing it for everyday use - anyone with any sign for potential clotting.


As prescribing habits shot up, so did profits. And so now are deaths
caused by the drugs side effects.

Just yesterday, medical doctors stormed the media waves to warn,
"Anticoagulants are the proverbial double edged sword. Finding the right
balance between benefit and harm is always difficult. The major danger
with both warfarin and the new oral anticoagulants (NOACs) is, of course,

"But although bleeding has been very carefully examined in clinical trials,
far less is known about its effects in the real world outside the idealized
setting of these trials."

"Now a new study presented at the American Heart Association meeting
here finds that more than one in five elderly U.S. veterans are hospitalized
for bleeding after starting on warfarin (Coumadin)."

For every one million patients taking blood thinners, that's 200,000 people
being hospitalized by side-effects - the population of Shreveport, Louisiana!

And this is just one class of drugs!

The blood clotting process is very well understood, and I outlined it in detail
in my book, Over-The-Counter Natural Cures EXPANDED. This understanding
has parlayed into the discovery of many natural anticoagulants!

These natural clot busters are proven effective and FREE of side effects by
major think tanks like Harvard, Columbia and more. And you can
start using them without any prescription - or FEAR!

Visit to learn more!

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. To ensure supply, stock up with a 3-pack and save 15% at - PLEASE take 6 minutes to SCROLL and
read the lifesaving material BEFORE your order.