Subject: ~Get more from 18-Min Workout!


My son Blair is in the 7th grade. He's easily the smallest kid at
his middle school of 1000 students. He's also the most developed mentally
and physically...his peers are obese, insulin resistant and lethargic.
It's an epidemic happening right in front of us. And very few people are
doing shit about it.

They sell Coke, serve pizza and give the kids snack breaks.

The parents are in the same boat - sick, fat and lethargic.

Talk to any of them about getting healthy and they'll say,
"Where do I begin? We're too busy to exercise."

Too busy?

Insulin resistance and Type II diabetes easily shaves off 11-20 years from
lifespan. How can you dismiss saving yourself from that?

Guess what?

You can get exercise done in 18 minutes!

No excuses now…

Casi is a shining example.

At 44 years young, she sent me a quick video, “I really like it! It kicks
my butt. As you can tell, I’m breathing hard. Awesome workout. I like that I
can get it done. I just rolled out of bed, came down to my garage and got
my workout done. Looking forward to moving on to the next phase.”

Way to take charge Casi!

That’s called making shit happen.

Unlike typical weight lifting or steady state cardio — which slowly rots
muscle — the 18-minute workout actually CHALLENGES your muscles. This
forces your body to respond with a waterfall of fat burning and longevity

This powerful effect is called hormesis. It's an adaptive response to
short bouts of extreme stress that challenge you mentally and physically.

No other exercise will yield these amazing hormonal benefits!

That's because most exercise is too mellow. It gives the body too much
time to recover.

As a chemist, I've been studying this unique hormone effect for over 25
years. When small stressors are applied to the body, it releases
chemicals to offset and put a halt to any beneficial response. The body simply
fights back to responding to exercise.

The key is to override this protective response. And when you do, the body
bounces back stronger and healthier. You can do that with a series of extreme,
physical stresses over a period of 18-21 minutes, separated by extremely short bouts
of stress.

That's what my FREE 18-Min Workout App does so well!

It shuts down your protective responses and activates a myriad of “live young”

Scientific research into the hormetic response has identified over 50
different hormones that are made in response to extreme physical stimuli
that activate self-repair!

That’s when the body sheds the fat, builds the lean muscle, increases lung
capacity and even optimizes memory and brain function!

To potentiate this effect, you can take This is my
truly natural, yerba mate based fat burner. Take 30 min to an hour before exercise and
watch the magic!

Download the 18-minute workout app for FREE, while it’s still available
for FREE) here:

(You need to do this from your phone, Apple or Android)



“Thank you so much for the app. I love that I can use it while listening
to my music. Your wife is a great model on there…she did a really good
job. Thanks for all your great products and this great workout! I found TPC
through my mom a few years ago,” Casi says.

Awesome Casi! Way to live young!

Now it’s your turn…get your ass on the 18-minute workout!

If you’re up to it, send me a video after you’ve attempted the beginner
level. (Send to

Dare to live young

The People's Chemist

P.S. Thermo FX works directly on obesity by siphoning squishy globules of
fat molecules into the mitochondria, where it is burned off as either heat
or energy! You can feel it happening within about 15 minutes! Only take
on exercise days! Learn more at

P.P.S. Want the entire family to be free of diabetes? Read and save everyone from the sugar scourge!