Subject: Get in The Man Zone with Natural Testosterone!

Look at any segment of society and you'll see dudes with man boobs…dudes
acting like chicks…and dudes flat out changing into women…

And they're all trying to fix it with testosterone gels!


Where are the real men at?!?

Where are the men who refuse to use crutches but instead want real ways to
be real men?

Most men have been "feminized." And I'm gonna help you guys just this once
with a killer, FREE offer. But before I get to that, I need you to
understand one important thing:

Your testosterone isn't dropping! It's being converted into ESTROGEN!

The doctors keep telling you that "you just don't produce as much anymore."

They're idiots.

You're producing it. It's just that due to eating too much sugar,
artificial flavors and quitting exercise, an enzyme known as aromatase is
converting it to estrogen!

See the difference here?

Probably not…Most guys have been out of it for so f%cking long, they've
forgotten what it means to be a MAN and think sh#t through…

I'll draw it out for you…Instead of taking testosterone gels that are
harmful, simply stop aromatase from stealing your manhood…and energy!

And you can do that with Raw-T. Not only does it stop aromatase, but it
also gives your body what it needs to PRODUCE MORE OF ITS OWN TESTOSTERONE!

Luckily, I got this email from Fred who proves real men still exist:

"Shane & team - I gotta thank you for the Raw-T! I am 56, fit, and hit the
gym 5-6 days mornings each week, plus some road biking in the evenings. I
eat pretty well, and keep away from sugars and high fructose junk."

"Yesterday, I took just one capsule of Raw-T an hour before the gym…and
had enough energy to move my normal 45-minute workout into 90 minutes! And
added a set of 10 burpees between every set of weights! Over 230 burpees, I
was sweating good and had ENERGY!"

Fred entered what I call "the Man Zone."

It's a place that wimps, pussified men, and weaklings can only dream of. I
bet there's a video game for it…

See there…that's me acting immature courtesy of too much testosterone. I
need to LOWER my dose of Raw-T…to about one per week.

In a world filled with pseudo-men…the REAL men who've entered the Man
Zone are a rare treasure. You can't find these rare specimens lurking on
some couch! They're out crushing life.

Enter my supplement, Raw-T. One dose and bam — you're in the Man Zone.
That means more endurance, more strength, and more sex!

Or just more burpees between benching 300lbs.

Just stop reading this and order now at:

"Today, I took one capsule of Raw-T 30 minutes before my bike ride, doubled
the distance, and was STRONG the entire ride, including some steep hills!"
says Fred. "Thank you for the good eating tips in your book (love the
title) and the Raw-T. It DOES make a difference!"

Warning: Don't be a f%king moron when taking this product. Start with just
one capsule per week. I want you in the Man Zone, not the penitentiary

And for godsake…make sure you're following the guidelines in The "Stop
Eating So F#@%ing Much Diet! You can't eat like shit and expect to stay in
the Man Zone.

In short, Raw-T is a testosterone booster for men. It's loaded with
sarsaparilla, fenugreek and eurycoma longifolia! If you don't know what
these are, you probably shouldn't take Raw-T. Each of these plant-based
products forces the body to increase testosterone balance, output and

This is the Man Zone. Wimps need not apply…

Order Raw-T within the next 12 hours and I'll send you my diet book
absolutely FREE! This is a HUGE value that will teach you about
supplements, bioidenticals, meal planning, working out, you name it!


Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Ladies, please don't reply to this email saying I'm sexist or a
chauvinistic pig…The world NEEDS more real men who have the right amount
of testosterone flowing through their bodies. And besides, testosterone
gels are killing our men…plus, women crave real men…So send me a thank
you email instead once your man has his hormones back, naturally!