Subject: ~Get This Fat Burning Hormone Without a Prescription

Your body produces it own weapon of fat destruction.

More than helping you look great, it can also ward off Type 2 diabetes and
boost your energy...even through the food-laden holidays.

However, most people don't know how to harness this lifesaving hormone.
Fortunately, it's as simple as learning when to eat and taking a simple,
yerba mate based fat burner (!

Joan was scheduled for what was supposed to be a routine blood test, but it
turned out to be one of the biggest turning points in her life. At 39 years
old, she was striving to stay on top of her career. As an accountant, she
worked long hours. Travel was a regular part of her work schedule and
weekly meetings with clients were mandatory. Over time, she wasn't able to
keep up. Her energy had evaporated. That's when she scheduled her doctor's

Walking into the sterile environment of her family doctor, she wondered if
it would help. "Would he find something wrong or suggest I choke down some
sleeping pills or antidepressants?" she wondered. "Maybe I just need a

A blood test revealed that Joan's blood sugar was high at 150mg/dL.
Anything above 125mg/dL is considered Type 2 diabetic or, more accurately,
"insulin resistant." When blood sugar rises, the body is unable to
efficiently produce its energizing molecule ATP. And when ATP function
declines, so does energy.

One of the best defenses against bad blood is a hormone known as glucagon.
This is the "I can't wait to wear a bathing suit" hormone. When released by
the pancreas it works double-time to control blood sugar, while activating
fat metabolism.

As the natural enemy to Type 2 diabetes, glucagon is your No. 1 defense
against the pandemic killer. More exciting, you don't need a prescription
to have it. As the most effective pharmacy in the world, your body can make
glucagon if you adhere to one simple habit:

Eat only three meals per day, five hours apart. A good eating schedule to
stick to is 7 a.m., noon, and 5 p.m. About 50 percent of your meals should
consist of foods that do not give rise to bad blood – healthy fats from
humane-raised beef, chicken, liver, avocado, seeds, nuts, whole eggs, butter, and coconut oil.

By consuming only three meals per day, you're tapping into your innate
ability to manufacture the lifesaving hormone. In contrast, when you divide
your meals with snacks, your body responds with a fat-storing hormone known
as insulin, which cannot co-exist with glucagon. As a result, weight gain
ensues and blood sugar goes haywire … then everything goes downhill from
there. Just ask Joan.

Once she learned of her bad blood and its natural enemy glucagon, Joan took
charge of her health by harnessing the power of her internal pharmacy. She
stopped snacking and avoided the juices and sodas offered at her company
meetings. In a matter of weeks, her thinking became clearer. Getting out of
bed in the morning was easier than ever. Her energy rebounded, even in the
bedroom. And she started exercising while taking my fat burner, Thermo FX.

At her follow-up appointment JUST two weeks later, her blood sugar dropped to
95mg/dL. Today, she tackles her work day like she did in her 20s – with
determination, focus, and enthusiasm that lasts all day long.

It's that simple. Start here:


Start here:

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist