Subject: ~Get Off Tap Water to Get Off Meds!

Every time you drink tap water, you’re being drugged…courtesy of

Fluoride is a well known, toxic chemical that’s added to tap water...

Surely you knew this?

It's a drug with side effects…such as cancer, neurotoxicity
(damage to the nervous system), and lowering your kids’ IQ.

For decades, fluoride has been added to tap water, without the public’s
consent. This is a mass drugging.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) believes that fluoride is
beneficial to human health. It’s touted as some sort of “miracle
chemical.” It's said to save people from dental cavities. (Except, you
don't have to swallow it for it to prevent cavities!)

What the media isn't reporting is that, “over 30 independent studies have
linked fluoride to a reduction in childhood IQ: A 2018 study published in Occupational &
Environmental Medicine found that, for every increase of 1 milligram per
liter of fluoride in a pregnant women’s urine, their offspring averaged
2.4 points lower IQ scores at age 1-3 years-old.”

“This follows a 2017 study funded by the National Institutes of Health
(NIH) showing in utero fluoride levels associated with lower IQ in 6-12

Why is the EPA hellbent on polluting our water supply with fluoride?

Even the highly touted benefits to teeth have been disproven:

The National Research Council, et al, published a 530-page report that

“After reviewing the collective evidence…the committee concluded
unanimously that the present MCLG [maximum contaminant level goal] of 4
mg/L for fluoride should be lowered. Exposure at the MCLG clearly puts
children at risk of developing severe enamel fluorosis, a condition that is
associated with enamel loss and pitting. In addition, the majority of the
committee concluded that the MCLG is not likely to be protective against
bone fractures.”

Want off the meds? Filter your tap water!

I recommend using ZeroWater’s filter (available at

If you want pure, clean water with no fluoride or other crap, ZeroWater is
the best brand on the market. I have no ties to this company...and I tested
it's ability to remove fluoride. It works!

(Brita and Pur don’t filter out fluoride.)

Plus, ZeroWater gets rid of all other “total dissolved solids” —
including calcium, magnesium, lead, mercury, and other heavy metals. It
reduces pharmaceuticals from your tap water…so you’re not drinking
whatever prescription meds Aunt Helga may have flushed down the toilet last

All that’s left is pure, crisp drinking water.

To protect yourself and loved ones, use ZeroWater (
You’ll get the purest, cleanest water from your tap water.

And for added protection, supplement with Cinnergy (
— my natural cinnamon and milk thistle product. If you’re alive, your
liver is being blasted with toxins daily!…including the “forced
medication” of fluoride in your tap water. Your liver needs help.

Use Cinnergy to aid the liver in removing toxins from the body.

It’s packed with organic cinnamon and milk thistle. Cinnergy is a
“must-have” product for anyone who wants to thrive in today’s toxic

Try your first bottle at

Ditch the meds,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Fluoride is a toxic chemical that’s added to public tap water. By
drinking it, you’re being “involuntarily medicated.” A group of
activists, including the Fluoridation Action Network, petitioned the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to remove fluoride additives from
water. The EPA said no…so now the group is suing the EPA! In December
2017, a federal judge denied the EPA’s motion to dismiss the lawsuit.