Subject: Furious over Crestor Claims


I know you are busy. But I also know you take a keen
interest in your health. So please take 5 minutes to read
and forward this message to your email list.

You may have heard the outrages claims about Crestor.
Media around the world have boldly stated that Crestor
reverses heart disease. Dead wrong!

Akin to those who believed the claims surrounding Vioxx,
patients who adhere to the claim (your friends and family)
are in grave danger.

Vioxx was touted by media to be the safest and most
effective pain killer. It injured 100,000 people. Among
those, 30-40% died! Crestor is poised to elicit similar
damage. Learn how and why Western Medicine undermines your
health - Read my BRAND NEW BOOK:

Health Myths Exposed 2nd Edition
"How Western Medicine Undermines your Health"

Here is a peek at the first page of HME 2nd Edition:

Author's note:

I am a drug chemist. I learned first hand that science
no longer prevails in medicine. Instead, pharmaceutically-
compliant politicians have democratized the drug industry.
Rather than make informed and educated decisions about the
safety and efficacy of prescription drugs, approval by
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) scientists is a simple
matter of a majority ruling (51% telling the other 49%)
that prescription drugs are safe and necessary. Voting is
fueled by wealth, not science. The end result has been
health tyranny ─ one nation, under drugs. Medical dictators
acting as medical doctors secure the tyranny ─ a standard
of health in America that, by definition, is 'sick care'
disguised as 'health care.'

Reintroducing education, therapeutic nutrition, and choice
to health care, Health Myths Exposed has liberated thousands
of courageous and forward-thinking individuals. The general
public as well as health-care leaders have used Health Myths
Exposed to resist the current of greed that strives to push
them toward prescription drug servitude. The end result has
been health freedom – a vibrantly healthy life independent
of prescription drugs.

Health Myths Exposed is more than a book. With surging
momentum it has become a movement ─ a movement away from
FDA approved drug addiction and away from medical doctors
who dictate that one-drug-fits-all. Most important, it's a
movement away from complex, obscure health ideas and toward
common sense which asserts that, except for emergency
medicine, very few prescription drugs have value and those
which do can usually be replaced with safer, less expensive
natural medicine.

The advancement of science shows that it is not prescription
drugs but lifestyle and nutrition habits that create and
eradicate disease. Health Myths Exposed, 2nd Edition makes
this abundantly clear and will allow anyone the ability to
live naturally healthy for life.

With this book in hand, you stand at the threshold of the
most sweeping health revolution in history. A revolution
where casualties will not be the FDA approved drug users
but, instead, the careers of corporate drug pushers.

Purchase now at

Putting Corporate Drug Pushers out of Business,

Shane Ellison, M.Sc.
Author Hidden Truth about Cholesterol Lowering Drugs

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