Subject: Frustrated Mom Drops 8 Jean Sizes In 77 Days without Dieting

From the Desk of The People's Chemist

Frustrated Mom Drops 8 Jean Sizes In 77 Days
without Dieting

Frustrated Mom Drops 8 Jean Sizes In 77 Days without Dieting

Work directly with me for 90 days to get your best body, and best health:

Healthy eating is killing us.  Erin almost learned this the hard way.  

As a self-proclaimed fitness fanatic and “healthy eater,” Erin beat herself up over continued weight gain.  Frustrated was an understatement.   

Searching for answers, her self-esteem sunk like an Italian cruise ship run aground and her physical confidence was left on the rocks to wash away.  Her doctors blamed it on aging, saying, “Well... you know, you are approaching that age...”

Then she heard about becoming a Hormone Intelligence Therapy (HIT) Woman...

In her own words:

“I’ve always prided myself on the fact that I work hard to be healthy and in excellent shape.  My father is a diabetic, and that has made me more cautious with foods.”

“But, at 39 years old, I began to see body changes that were disappointing. It seemed no matter how hard I exercised or how careful I was about what I ate, I still gained weight. Over the past 6 months, I gained over 15 pounds.”

“All I knew is that ‘this’, was not me.” 

“When my blood tests all came back normal, I was actually looking forward to finally handle something, but then the doctors told me, I was approaching ‘that’ age...”

“Are you SERIOUS??? What age??? 39???”

“That’s when my friend Amy told me about The People’s Chemist and how to become a HIT (Hormone Intelligence Therapy) Woman - the keys that unlocked the door to CHANGING life for me and my family.”

It's been 77 days.  I'm 5'8". My starting awful weight was 162 lbs (the highest I've ever been). My current weight is 145 lbs.  I went from a size 12 jeans to a size 4, and counting.  I know I've gained quite a bit of lean muscle! I just don't know how much. I feel wonderful!  I have INCREASED energy, my body is LEANER, STRONGER, I feel GREAT and even my husband says, I look AMAZING!”

“My clothes fit AWESOME and that feels FANTASTIC!”

“And those extra pounds that weighed down my self-esteem - GONE!”

“Now I’m vigilant to continue to follow the 10 simple habits because they’re easy and I know that’s the way to keep me and my whole family healthy. The People’s Chemist expertise and the support line email have been so awesome, I just want to keep going.”

“Power to the motivated - Whiners go home! ; )”

- Erin R., Maryland

  • Stop The Dieting Craziness!
  • Stop dieting.
  • Stop counting calories.
  • Stop wasting time walking around the block.
  • Stop eating low fat foods.
  • Stop the high protein foods.
  • Start getting your hormones back!

Work directly with me for 90 days to get your best body, and best health:

Dare to Live Young,

The People’s Chemist

About this Newsletter

Natural Cures Watchdog is published by Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison. He is an award-winning chemist with a masters degree in organic chemistry and author of Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, winner of the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award. This is a FREE service so that NOBODY IS LEFT BEHIND. Please join him in his efforts to educate the laymen by FORWARDING this email to your friends and loved ones. You can sign up at