Subject: From CEO: Daughter Didn't Get Sick!

We're just about out of Whey Advanced Vanilla.

But that's not all… We're also almost out of Immune FX!

I can understand why.

It seems like everyone around me has been getting sick lately - including
my wife!

Luckily, we keep plenty of Immune FX on hand, so she didn't have to resort
to antibiotics.

As a mother, breastfeeding our 15-month old daughter, she knows the risks
posed by drugs, especially unnecessary antibiotics.

The Independent (UK) recently headlined, Antibiotics Taken During Pregnancy
‘May Weaken A Baby's Immune System And Increase Risk Of Lung Disease'.

Granted, my wife is no longer pregnant, but by breastfeeding she still
passes everything in her system to our daughter. And that life-line needs
to be kept clean.

The article states, "Research suggests antibiotics can affect development
of babies' immune systems by wiping out both good and bad bacteria in the

Why take a chance risking mother and baby's health with an antibiotic?
Immune FX can get the job done - with NO risky side effects!

At the first sign of a sore throat, she began taking Immune FX and as a
result, it never got any worse. Her voice was a little hoarse for less than
a week and that was it.

The best part is, our daughter never got sick - which means her immune
system is intact, robust and healthy.

Two more lives saved by simply ditching the drugs!

Are you getting the message yet? while supplies last! It's is one of our bestsellers!

Let this be a low stock warning for those who depend on it. If you buy the
3-packs - Stock up now, while you can!

"I bought Immune FX as I had a sinus infection and the antibiotics were
doing nothing… I took it ONCE and all my sinus pain went away. You're a
genius." - M.P. California

Ditch the drugs!

Jeff Milano
CEO The People's Chemist