Subject: From 15 meds to NONE! You can do same.

Some people cruise through life seemingly unscathed.

Others, like Sharon from Hawaii, go through HELL.

Born with severe back pain..diagnosed with fibromyalgia in her late 30s...polycystic ovaries...weight gain...knee injury that led to arthroscopic surgery in her early 40s...on and on. Not to mention two heart attacks that took her from taking 0 medications to 15 medications.

"Refusing to let my various medical conditions control my life, I started learning about healthy, organic eating years ago," says Sharon. "I remained active, hiking, biking, camping with my sons, working several jobs at once, all the things an active mom (and soon to be a single mom), does with active boys."

"Then in 2012 I had a heart attack. That's when the health nightmare REALLY began! Suddenly my holistic, natural, organic means of treating my health flew out the window. Over the course of 6 months, I'd had three procedures/surgeries placing 10, yes, 10 stents in my body! They didn't work right. The meds, the stents, and the ongoing unstable angina were a living hell. Nothing was working!"

"I was frightened, fatigued, weak, and vulnerable. I had a second heart attack. There would be no more stents. I needed a triple bypass almost a year to the date of the first heart attack. I was terrified and felt I had no choice."

Pile on the Medications...

Life piled on one health problem after the next, almost burying Sharon in an avalanche of drama and struggles that would make the Kardashians envious.

Rather than stop to ask what the root cause of all these problems were, Sharon's doctors piled on the prescription drugs.

"Suddenly I was taking 15 different medications," she says. "I turned into an invalid in the blink of an eye. From walking at least a half mile a day after the first heart attack, now I needed a cane just to walk."

Meanwhile, knee pain was creeping up like a sniper...

"The pain of my knee skyrocketed, and I was unbalanced from all the meds," Sharon says. "A year into my 'treatment' I began having to use a walker. The pain from my knee, limping, and using a cane, had thrown my back into severe spasms and pain with the disks slipping more and pinching nerves. I was still out of breath from my heart, I was incredibly fragile medically. I was only 56. The doctors said I'd have to be on medications for the rest of my life. From zero meds, to many... something was not right."

Despite all the craziness, something inevitably drew Sharon to The People's Chemist. Slowly but surely, she began a quest to take her life back.

Joint FX Took Her Pain from "Level 10+" to "Wonderfully Bearable"

"This is around the time when I found your website the first time," she writes. "Joint FX was the supplement to bring about the first huge change! For over 10 months, I'd had a sciatica pinched nerve with level 10+ pain, with no treatment other than drugs, which I refused to take. After a few days, Joint FX began easing the pain, taking the inflammation down to a level that is wonderfully bearable!"

"Then I started with Thermo FX – and now the weight is really rolling off at a good pace. I've lost about 20 pounds in the past month and a half."

All Problems Come from the Inside

Sharon soon realized the source of all her health issues was internal.

But more importantly, she had the power to change her health.

"Putting it all together, each and every one of my health problems is related to inflammation and hormone imbalance," she says. "The baby belly that never went away?'s on its way out. The unbearable back, hip, knee pain... now bearable with Joint FX."

Frankly, I got exhausted just reading Sharon's long list of ailments.

That's no way to live.

As The People's Chemist, I'm lucky in that the worst health problem I've ever had was a self-induced Mountain Dew addiction that led me to balloon to 30% body fat. (I squashed it by eating less and using Thermo FX to burn fat.)

As a Brazilian jiu jitsu practitioner, I've occasionally hurt my knee or ankle, snapped and ACL and cracked a collar bone. I squashed the pain using Joint FX and never went to a doctor for any it…Right now at 41 yo I’m 100%…In fact, Blair and I did suicides yesterday on the beach. Loser had to do 25 pushups. It wasn’t me!

Fact is, you can't control what life throws at you...but CAN control how you respond to it.

If Your Life is Hell, Then Take Responsibility to Change It!

Despite a seemingly insurmountable mountain of health issues, Sharon is fighting back. She's taking steps to wean herself off the meds and live young again.

She's proof that small progress can be made. And SMALL PROGRESS is better than no progress at all.

"I have a ways to go," she admits. "On my limited disability budget, I'm having to go slowly. In a bit more time, my success will be more pronounced. It's crazy that so-called 'health care' only helps with toxic stuff! But for right now, I'm taking Cinnergy, Cardio FX, Joint FX, and Thermo FX. It's a bit of a challenge, but a worthy one. I have so many related health issues that have been helped by The People's Chemist products. For the first time in about 2 years, I have days (or at least part of the day) when I feel like myself."

If your life is a living hell, then take responsibility. Do something to change it. Forget what happened yesterday, and focus on making TODAY your best ever.

If joint pain is slowing you down, a good first step is to try Joint FX. As Sharon said, it took her "level 10+ pain" down to "wonderfully bearable."

Dare to Live Young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. It’s about time people said NO TO PRESCRIPTION DRUGS!
The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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