Subject: ~Free from BP Meds After 12 Years!

Kelly K. from Arizona shared her incredible story — of how beta blockers made her feel terrible for years…and how she finally freed herself.

It's a must share!

"My story is very encouraging," she writes. "I had a non life-threatening genetic heart palpitation that was due to my reaction to stress. At 37 years of age, the same doctor who treated my mother's heart disease and said to me AFTER she died, ‘I should've put in a pacemaker,' gave me beta blockers for my palpitations. Why I trusted him, I'll never know!"

"The beta blockers worked. I stayed on them for 12 years. Little did I know they were dangerous and overkill for my condition. I tried several times to get off them, but my heart would flip out again."

Beta-blockers don't do much for human health. They're known for causing weight gain by circumventing the vital fat-burning process and screwing up your hormones. They're also known for killing one's sex drive, due to artificially lowering the blood supply to sexual organs. Both of these conditions can make you feel dead.

Beta blockers are purportedly used to manage cardiac arrhythmias, and to protect the heart from a second heart attack after a first heart attack occurs. But as Kelly experienced…they barely work. They are a poor excuse for a heart medication.

"Eventually my heart began to beat erratically and it felt loose, liquidy, sloppy, and it ached," she says. "I became aware of every beat. At 49 years of age, I was terrified. I felt like I was going to have a heart attack anytime."

"That's when I found The People's Chemist online. I'm sure I was searching how to get off beta blockers. At the time, I knew about the benefits of hawthorn — so between those two searches, it led me to Shane's website, and I'm sooo glad it did. I found a sheet Shane had put out there on how to wean off your heart meds and to increase the Cardio FX. I followed it exactly…and within three months I felt alive again."

Kelly used my safe heart supplement, Cardio FX [] to wean herself off the dangerous beta blockers.

Cardio FX is the best, most effective pill to take if your goal is to have amazing cardiovascular health (or hell — if you're simply tired of worrying about having a heart attack!).

Loaded with beneficial hawthorn, garlic, grape seed extract, and magnesium citrate, Cardio FX is NOT a drug! It's Mother Nature's proven cardiovascular cure that protects against heart attack, stroke, and heart disease…while strengthening the entire cardiovascular system from the inside out.

Best of all, it doesn't cause you to gain weight, lose your sex drive, or feel dead inside! Quite the opposite…you'll feel ALIVE again!

"After about six months on Cardio FX, I felt like I had a 20-year-old heart!" says Kelly. "It felt strong and healthy again! I still had slight palpitations occasionally, but with Cardio FX and adding some calming teas like Chamomile and Holy Basil, I was able to feel 100% again!"

"I thought I was going to die young. Now I'm stronger than ever and living young! I'm off all medications. These supplements saved my life!"

Order now and experience a whole new level of LIVING:

Kelly was lucky. Many individuals aren't so fortunate…they choose to stick with risky meds and eventually don't make it.

You can increase your "luck" by making smarter choices when it comes to your health. Start by reading Over-the-Counter Natural Cures Expanded Edition []. It reveals how to safely wean off all meds, plus shows you which supplements to take to boost your heart health (and your overall health), like reviving a dying battery.

"I am currently taking many of the supplements you recommend in that book," says Kelly. "Thank you so much for what you do, you are a Godsend!! I tell all my friends about The People's Chemist. His products have changed my life. I'm now studying to become an herbalist in my 50's, because this info has changed my life!! Thank you, Shane. If it weren't for you I'd be so doped up on meds and wouldn't have lived to see my 50's or 60's, for sure!"

Having great health starts with educating yourself…and reading a book or two. Don't be lazy.

But for the faster, more direct route to optimal heart health, try Cardio FX. All the information you need is here:

This product is a favorite among TPC fans, because it wakes you up, makes you feel alive again, and just floods your entire body with beneficial nutrients.

It's like taking the red pill in The Matrix. Once you're aware of how great life is without prescription drugs, you'll never want to go back!

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Order 3 or more bottles of Cardio FX and save 15%! While you're at it, grab yourself a copy of Over-The-Counter Natural Cures: EXPANDED Edition [], so you can stop being at the mercy of dumb doctors who don't know what the f&#@k they're doing.

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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