Subject: Free Joint Healing Report

WOW!  Many thanks to the dozens of people who posted reviews at my Amazon book site.  As a show of appreciation I have attached a new report on three supplements that heal joints.  Forward to friends.  Thank you!

View the fearless reviews here:

Dr. Richard Bove, D.C. just posted:

"Want to experience TRUE HEALTH? Read this book. You will be amazed at what it reveals. Research is manipulated to benefit the drug companies manufacturing these toxins for one purpose, financial gain. Ever wonder why nutritional supplements are never touted as being beneficial? They cannot be patented and horded for profit. Instead, synthetic derivatives (drugs) are manufactured and touted as "Life Saving". Revealing what the media knows, but is afraid to tell, is why Shane's book is "OVER THE TOP". Look around you, listen to what people talk about. When the topic of conversation turns to "What drugs are you on?" we are in trouble. This is not health, it's a testament to our ignorance of health and our delegation of it to our M.D.'s. Stand up, take control, be responsible for your own health, LIVE 10 EXTRA YEARS!! Read this book twice, look at the research, research that research, be skeptical, learn how to regain your health and you'll soon see the deceptive ways of "BIG PHARMA". I have seen patients lives transformed in a matter of weeks,(by stopping statin use) now they believe. They've taken control, educated themselves on the drugs effects, feel great and are LIVING again. Best of all NOW THEY QUESTION THEIR M.D.'s decisions regarding drug scripts. They are happy, I am happy, you will be too. Well worth your time and money! You can't put a price on your health. JUST DO IT!!"

All my best,

Shane Ellison, M.Sc.