Subject: ~Free "Best" Workout for Anyone! (Pic!)

The People's Chemist
Free Best Workout For Anyone! (18 Minutes!?)
(Yes, that's my 40yo wife and mom of 4)
So…44 years old feels f@#cking awesome.

27 years old felt like sh#t.

My hormones were jacked.

From that desperation came my 18 Minute Workout.

Ever heard about it?

If not, keep reading and I’ll show you how to get the App for FREE…

A busy chemist and young dad, I wanted to get the absolute most from my workouts. A college wrestler, I’d seen and done every type of exercise known to man, without exception.

But I wanted to know how bet to stimulate muscle growth, fat loss and hormone balance, output and sensitivity. In other words, I wanted to find out how to get more for less.  I didn't want to waste a single minute inside the gym.

Years of exhaustive research proved that shorter is better…

A recent study has recently confirmed the paradox I found decades ago…and have been using ever since. My wife too, pictured above. (She just sent this to me today to brag how strong she is at 40 years old, after 4 kids, thanks to our 18 Minute Workout principles.)

Published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, researchers at Lehman College in the Bronx and other institutions decided to test just how much weight training is required to continually make muscles larger and stronger.

Each group did a specific workout three times a week, for eight weeks.

The first group spent a total of 70 minutes per session at the gym.

The second group spent 40 minutes.

The third group spent 13 minutes...

After two months, all participants were stronger!

The 13 minute routine did just as good as the longer ones!

“But more interesting and surprising, the strength improvements were essentially the same, no matter how many — or few — sets the men completed,” wrote The New York Times.

The researchers concluded:

“Marked increases in strength and endurance can be attained by resistance-trained individuals with just three, 13-minute weekly sessions over an 8-week period, and these gains are similar to that achieved with a substantially greater time commitment.”

It goes to show less is more!

…This is exactly why I created the 18-Minute Workout…so you can achieve the benefits of exercise in less time.

To make it work though, you have to work like hell.

Let me explain...

Work like hell takes on many meanings to many people. 

My “work like hell” means going through hell. 

It means that I forget who else is in the gym. It means I forget my limitations. I become a slave to the routine. Interrupt me, I eat your face off...I take your childhood…I’m a workout monster.

But after the 18 minutes, I go right back to being husband, dad, chemist and all around nice guy who doesn't give a f@#ck about social media, politics or who was on the Joe Rogan podcast.

The workout has three levels, which means anyone can do it.  And I designed it so you could do it anywhere!

My hero, Katrina, is a single mom who used the workout in a secret conference room at work!  She lost 100 lbs.  She's the real workout monster.

Just download the App for FREE on your phone, search, “18 minute workout.”

To accelerate your fat-burning, make sure to use my AMPM Fat Loss Discovery program:

It’s helped countless people achieve their best physique in 90 days!

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Researchers just proved that “less is more” when it comes to exercise. “The men who had stopped after one set gained as much strength as those who had done five sets or three,” reported the New York Times. This means you can stop wasting endless hours at the gym and do LESS to gain more strength. The caveat is that you must “work like hell” during each set, to gain the maximum benefit! Use to accelerate your fat-burning!
The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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