Subject: For Gout Sufferers Only...


Really quick...I know it's Friday afternoon.

I'm heading out of my office and writing this very fast. I wanted to
answer a question that's been coming up a lot regarding my
product JointFX.

"In addition to help joints build cartilage will it cure gout?"

YES! And it does so very quick.

Not only is JointFX safer, but it also works better.

I've had gout once, but only for a few days. It hurt like hell when I noticed it.

Fortunately, the painful crystal that was stabbing into my nerves was
washed away by JointFX. Like water on salt, it works to dissolve the chemical
known as monosodium urate, which is the culprit behind "gout."

Gout pain can be stopped in about 30 minutes. You may have to take more
that the usual dose like 4-8 capsules. But, don't worry, it's not toxic.

Learn about it here:

Live young!

The People's Chemist