Subject: ~Final Hours of $97 Free Offer!

Why the hell would anyone take a toxic blood thinner daily when they can easily prevent blood clots naturally and safely?

I mean, do people read anything anymore or is it just too hard to focus in the age of Smart Phones Dumb People (SPDP)?

Straight from the FDA website, discussing the blood thinner Eliquis:

"As with other FDA-approved anti-clotting drugs, bleeding, including life-threatening and fatal bleeding, is the most serious risk with Eliquis. There is no agent that can reverse the anti-coagulant effect of Eliquis." - FDA

No confusing bio-babble or philosophical logic to wrap your brain around on this one…

It's pretty clear: Blood thinners might work, they might not and if they harm you, you're f#cked beyond repair.

I know people who've suffered from these drugs unnecessarily...I get emails weekly from their loved ones!

Sadly, they died.

"...He was 60 years old, doctors had him taking the drug to "prevent" blood clots.  He was on a hike with friends. He took a small fall."

"He bled to death internally hours later."

You want healthy blood? Then stop signing up to choke down pills!

I bet if Einstein were alive, he'd say something brilliant like, "Why not learn what causes unruly clots and fix the problem rather than use toxic meds as the cure...?"

Watch my FREE video here:

It will teach you the cause of blood clots and how to avoid them!

And by the way...this is the same video that was BANNED by YouTube advertising and Google!    

If you really want to kick blood clot a$s, take hawthorn! Hawthorn is an approved drug in UK...It's nature's way of giving blood clots the middle finger.  It's one of the main components in my Cardio FX.  

For the next 6 hours, you can get a 3-pack of Cardio FX and save 15%. Plus, I'm tossing in my Secret Health Files (sells for $97), totally FREE! This is 4 hours of 10-minute health briefs.  Each one made by me to bring you up to speed on how modern medicine sabotages your health.  But even better, if outlines forgotten cures.  

Get this entire package now by clicking here!

Alt link:

Get off drugs.

live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Outside of life and death emergency, nobody should be on blood thinners, period. Everyone should be taking hawthorn! You can take it as tea from your grocery store, as a pill from Whole Foods or use my super potent, ultra pure, additive-free blend sold as Cardio FX ( 

Whatever you choose, I don't care. 

I do care though that so many people are dumb enough to take handfuls of prescription drugs daily. Trash the damn orange bottles, already.

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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