Subject: Fellow Chemist Ditches Aspirin for This Natural Pain Cure!

Fellow Chemist Ditches Aspirin for This Natural Pain Cure!
Most people today rely on checkbook science to dictate what drugs they'll take. Like naive school children caught up in fantasy novels, people think that just because something advertised on TV, sold over-the-counter and pushed by doctors, it's automatically safe and effective.  They have no idea that Pharma uses the best science money can buy to sell lies...

Chemists don't fall for this crap.

Enter Gary from Florida. He's also a chemist. At 63 years young, he was looking to equip himself with a safe alternative to risky OTC drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen.

"My original challenge was trying to find a safe, effective aspirin/ibuprofen alternative," Gary writes. "I am a chemist and engineer, so I tend to over analyze things, particularly about health. While I have a scientific background and training as a chemist, I have realized for a long time that prescription medicine is often not the best solution."

"I don't like to take ANY medication if I can help it," he adds. "When I do, I want to know why I'm taking it, how it's made, and how it's supposed to help my symptoms."

Why Aspirin and Ibuprofen Belong in the Trash

One of the most popular OTC painkillers is aspirin. Few people know that aspirin depletes the body of life-saving nutrients — including folic acid, iron, potassium, sodium and vitamin C. The result of these depleted nutrients can include anemia, birth defects, heart disease, elevated homocysteine (a risk factor for heart disease), headache, depression, fatigue, hair loss, insomnia, diarrhea, shortness of breath, pale skin and suppression of the immune system.

Internal bleeding is also one of the biggest risks of taking aspirin.

Studies show that aspirin users die sooner compared to those not taking it.

Ibuprofen is no different. According to the New York Times, "76,000 [NSAID users] are hospitalized each year for ulcers caused by the drugs, and about 7,600 die from those ulcers. About one in three people who take the drugs for long periods ends up with gastrointestinal bleeding."

Luckily, Mother Nature has equipped us all with a safe pain relief solution — it's called Relief FX.

The People's Chemist Cuts Through the Noise

Gary told me that, "I was looking for ‘no nonsense' talk about SCIENTIFIC alternatives to prescription drugs," he says. "That's when I found Shane's blog. As a former chemist myself, I immediately saw the logic of what Shane had to say."

"There is SO much noise out on the net, and Shane is a clear voice of reason. The fact that he came from a background in hard science — and had actually worked in Big Pharma before — is what made me trust him. His clear, scientific explanations of real alternatives were a blessing. While I don't entirely agree with how  Shane says stuff — and in fact, strongly disagree in some cases — I believe he is coming from an honest, science-based foundation. I find that refreshing."

"I read Shane's description of why the ‘normal' painkilling solutions were not healthy at all," Gary adds. "I also knew a bit about Willow Bark, so his formulation of Relief FX made sense. And it works!"

Relief FX Outperforms Aspirin, Tylenol, Ibuprofen — and is Safer Than All Three.

Gary soon tried Relief FX and found that it successfully dissolved pain.

I created Relief FX specifically to dissolve pain in 16 minutes — with no side effects, no risk, and no nonsense. In fact, Relief FX is safe enough for kids to take and strong enough for professional athletes as well.

"Relief FX was excellent for general aches and pains and the occasional tension headaches I get," says Gary. "Plus, it doesn't seem to bother my stomach like most OTC remedies (such as aspirin, ibuprofen)."

Don't Let Headaches Slow You Down!

As a design engineer for a large corporation, Gary works in the Space program and Cyber Security for his company. He doesn't have time to be slowed down by annoying headaches that can compromise his focus!

And neither do you.

If you're looking for a safe alternative to aspirin or other OTC painkillers, try Relief FX. Unlike with those drugs, you won't be shredding your insides! And you won't be upping your chances for an unexpected, early death!

Gary was so impressed by the results from Relief FX, he now buys many other of my products as well.

Headaches, muscle soreness, cramps, leg aches and hangovers, Relief FX is the remedy you need in your house!

Order now at

Shane Ellison, MS
The People's Chemist

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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