Subject: ~~F@ck Almond Milk!

Putting almond milk into a smoothie is as stupid as accepting
rap into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

It doesn’t belong.

Tupac said, “Reality is wrong. Only dreams are for real.” And my dream
is to never mix gangster rap with the corporate crap music that has become
the norm…Alicia Keys, T.I., and the wanna-be hall of fame Sheryl Crow
could all choke on peanuts and I’d never lose sleep.

Tupac is another story, though. We still miss him.

Meanwhile, nobody seems to want to get rid of their almond milk, soy milk
or whatever else might have the M word after it.

What is with these people?

There's only one kind of milk and it comes from the tits of cows...and even
then, you want it raw, not processed and loaded with poisonous Vitamin D....

One fan wrote, "My chiropractor recommended Almond Milk due to low thyroid
and I've never felt better…You're the crank! I'm removing myself from
your list.”

Good fucking riddance! And tell your chiropractor to suck my book.

Almonds don’t have tits - impossible for them to yield milk.

Go ahead, keep drinking it…

I don't care if you drink bull semen from a chicken's ass. Nor do I care if
you read my emails or buy my products. I live the lifestyle of the
not-so-rich-or-famous and happen to love it, with or without you.

My message to these small people from dark corners of the internet: Leave
me the alone, you're not relevant to me or anyone else.

(This is a great lesson to anyone starting up a business on how not to
make friends…)

Meanwhile, my more serious emails uncovering the greatest medical frauds in
human history get very little attention…like graffiti in LA that’s
ignored by millions of motorists, daily….

I've written about how the drug industry covers up chemotherapy deaths as


I've interviewed nurses who who speak out against the horrors of

[Stretching and yawning….]

I've explained why you can't trust most "medical journals," because they're
corrupted by the practice of medical ghostwriting — where writers are
paid big bucks to twist facts and make drugs look safer than they really

Sleepier, still….

I wonder what celebrity is celebrating being fat and bragging about
accepting their body?

The drug industry kills millions of people per year, while banking billions
of dollars in profits. But this doesn't seem to matter nearly as much as
the risks associated with drinking white corn syrup labeled as "almond
milk"...or what selfie-addicted airheads are posting on Instagram…You're
all nuts.

That's right, almond milk is garbage. It's loaded with sugars and preservatives
and will screw your hormones up beyond belief. It's nothing but empty

And when you drink empty calories, you raise your blood sugar, insulin,
triglycerides and everything else that makes you feel and look
like shit.

Same with soy milk...same with homogenized, vitamin D "fortified"'s all garbage.

If you care about your health, drink spring water.

If you have a history of being overweight and drink any of these "milks"
masquerading as healthy drinks, you need to get your blood sugar
back in check with

Learn how Cinnergy can correct bad blood from years of sugary drinks:

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Cinnergy is the purest and more potent cinnamon and milk thistle
on the market. Watch your blood sugar plummet to healthy levels in
a matter of weeks: