Subject: Fat Loss and MORE


"Insulin levels determine effectiveness of diets."

Reuters News just highlighted why my AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery is so effective:  It controls the fat storing hormone INSULIN.  I've been trying to galvanize this fact into the minds of overweight soccer Moms, elite athletes and fat men who want to be sexy.  And those who practice what I preach see amazing results.  They reverse diabetes.  Fat men turn sexy.  Soccer Moms go back to wearing get the picture.

My eBook showing EXACTLY how to control insulin levels with diet, supplements and exercise is found here:

It is now sold with The People's Chemist Foundational Health Education at a 10% discount.  Enjoy.

I'm tired of getting emails that ask, "Does it really work?"  So here is my guarantee:

"If you are not 100% satisfied with my People's Chemist Foundational Health Education I will buy it back and BUY YOU a health related book of your choice FROM AMAZON!" You will have 8 weeks to decide."

Read all about it and The Prescription Drug Trap here:

Time to burn fat and build muscle!

The Peoples Chemist