Subject: ~Fat Loss Tip: Burn More Calories Than You Consume????

If you’re attempting to lose weight, the first thing you need to realize
is that you must undergo a caloric deficit. That means you need to burn
more calories than you consume. (By reading this, don’t misquote me as
being an advocate of low-calorie foods.)

Living in a caloric deficit doesn’t mean you have to go hungry.

Let me explain…

A calorie is a slick term for “energy.” Energy in, energy out. Take in
too much energy, and you’re going to store the excess as fat and diminish

The calorie controversy arises when people start going on extremely
low-calorie (or no carb) diets. They lose weight super fast, feel like
shit, give in to hunger and overeat like an alcoholic binges…or maybe
they just feel horrible and lose nothing at all and jump right back into
poor eating habits. Either way, victims throw up their hands and insist
that low-calorie diets don’t work.

Well, if you choose the wrong “low” calories — or if you have an
“injured metabolism” and refuse to address it — then you’re right.
A diet that puts you in a caloric deficit (or carbohydrate deficit) won’t
work. It will make you hungry, pissed off, and fat. That’s because your
body is unable to curtail the hunger that follows calorie restriction!

A healthy body has numerous ways to curb hunger, just like a sick and obese
body has numerous ways to signal false feelings of hunger!

Therefore, you can call your diet whatever you want. But to make it work,
you must ensure that you learn how to exist in a caloric deficit without raging
hunger…And that’s all about hormones.

Learn the 5 simple tips to shedding fat and losing muscle at:

I also gave you some awesome meal planning ideas!

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. You can't be overweight and healthy at the same time! Master
your hormones with these 5 simple tips:

P.P.S. Low stock alert for Thermo FX - Barely Legal Fat Burner! Stock
up with Whey Advanced at