Subject: Fat Burning Meal

From the Desk of The People's Chemist

All new blog posts highlights fat burning meal, that tastes great! After reading about the high-fat study showing better heart health, get this free recipe at

Urgent:AM-PM Fat Loss Packages SOLD OUT! Now taking reservations for first 20 orders.

The High-Fat Meal that Preserves Heart Health

In my Hormone Intelligence Therapy (HIT) program, I yank people out of The Fat Gain Hall of Fame and get them living young, in a matter of 90 days! This picture proves it. And his blood tests confirm it - the VA physician pronounced him "cured" and took him off all anti-diabetic meds.

One of the most effective ways to activate the production of your fat loss, and anti-aging hormones is to adhere to a high-healthy fat diet. I've been teaching this for years. A recent study confirmed the same thing, showing that high healthy fat diets keep insulin down, while energizing muscles and even the heart! Science Daily made the announcement...

"A new study from researchers at the University of Cincinnati (UC) shows that high-fat "splurges" within one's diet could elicit cardioprotective properties during a heart attack."

Better cardiac function resulting from fat intake is a matter of enhanced energy function compared to carbohydrate (sugar) intake. Fats, from natural sources, not trans fats, produce three times as much energy in the form of ATP as compared to carbohydrates. The increased ATP function allows for maximum cardiac efficiency as well as hormone output.

The fastest way to harness these benefits is to work directly with me via Hormone Intelligence Therapy:

Urgent:AM-PM Fat Loss Packages SOLD OUT! Now taking reservations for first 20 orders.

About this Newsletter

Natural Cures Watchdog is published by Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison. He is an award-winning chemist with a masters degree in organic chemistry and author of Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, winner of the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award. Get it free at

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